I have a small MS network set up with 3 WinXP SP3 systems connecting to a Win7 system. I set this up back in September and things have been working fine until yesterday afternoon. One of the XP systems lost sight of the shared folders on the Win7 system for some unknown reason. The computer...
file access
file permissions
home network
ip address
local network
ms network
network configuration
network drive
network sharing
shared folders
windows 7
windows xp
Installed VMs in Hyper-V such as Win7, Vista or XP want to connect to the Net.
After, installing a VM OS & setting up a Virtual Switch the VMs may see no internet connections.
The Integration Services must be installed to the VMs to have connectivity. These will not install unless & until all...
copy files
hyper-v tips
integration services
internet connectivity
mount vhd
operating systems
service packs
vhd mounting
virtual machines
virtual switch
vm installation
vm setup
windows 7
windows 8
windows vista
windows xp
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to get a new windows 7 computer to connect over WLAN, but am having a really frustrating experience. Paid a fortune for it and after 2 days I find that the manufacturer does not install WLAN unless specifically ordered. An atrocious sob and am sure will never again buy...
New external HDD won't show in "Computer"
l Have searched a lot, but only find comments directing me to Disk management and
Device manager.
The Ext. HD is not showing there either. Power light is on.
This is a Lacie 2 TB Minimus USB 3.0 External Hard Drive...
Every since I got my new Xfinity cable modem installed I could not get it to work well with my Linskey router. The internet has been going on and off due to failure to look up the DNS server. I looked into this previous post and did everything it said:Link Removed
For a moment, I thought it...
cable modem
dns server
home network
installation issues
internet problems
linskey router
network configuration
My machine is dual boot Win 7 x32 and Linux. I'm using a wired Broadcom 400x integrated NIC with a Motorla cable modem. I've been using this setup of about 5 months with Win7.
There is only one computer connected and I have no wireless/router. In the middle of surfing on the Win OS, my...
broadcom nic
connection issuesconnectivityissues
driver problems
dual boot
error log
event viewer
internet protocol
ip configuration
local area connection
reset network
safe mode
system freeze
windows 7
I've had this Link Removed copying files between 3 network devices - from a linux box to a vista box, via windows 7. (e.g. win7 is man in the middle as both vista, linux are faceless devices).
I've spent the whole day trying out different combinations of a set of test files trying to pin down...
data transfer
error messages
file copy
file sharing
gigabit network
linux connectivity
network configuration
network issues
network performance
printer connectivity
remote differential compression
simultaneous file copies
uac settings
windows 7
windows vista
windows xp
So today my laptop could not start up for some reason. I had to make a restore CD from my desktop (also a windows 7) and use it to repair my laptop. After it repaired my laptop, when I log in i get this ODBC32.dll error. This also occurs when i try to run certain programs, how do i repair this...
Hey I have a usb to serial adapter for use with Cisco routers and switches. Everytime I plug it in, it seems to choose a random COM port. Is there any way to make that device always use the same COM port.
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate
Fixes an issue in Windows 7 and in Windows Server 2008 R2 in which you receive Stop Error 000000B8 (Error 0xB8 )(ATTEMPTED SWITCH FROM DPC) under a heavy load situation or when the network has connectivity issues.
Alright, firstly, please forgive my poor English. I'll try my best to explain all the issues clearly.
Link Removed
from very above downto the third line are:
IPv4 connection : not connected (Not OK, it wasn't like that)
IPv6 connection : not connected (No public IPv6 connection in China, this...
active networks
ea origin
local area connection
media state
network configuration
network reset
network sharing
online activities
unidentified network
When I set up virtualization on my Win 7 Ultimate using Virtual Box in order to install the Win 8 Dev Preview, I had to choose Nat in settings, networking to allow connection to the internet. I have not been able to see my other PC's using this setting. When I change the network settings to...
I just bought a Dell Latitude E6510 laptop and now I wonder how to set it up for internet access. I have a desktop PC and so I know that my connection is good. I tried just connecting it via the RJ45 socket on the PC, thinking it would configure itself once it sensed a live connection...
dell latitude
device manager
driver installation
driver problems
ethernet adapter
gigabit ethernet
hardware setup
internet access
known issues
laptop help
network setup
technical support
unknown devices
usb adapter
user experience
windows 7
windows drivers
windows updates
I've just started to encounter a problem with Win7.
My PC is fine until I connect to the net using wireless. I use a dongle and can connect it to the PC without issue and everything works correctly.
However when I connect to the internet my pc freezes and thats it I need to...
boot issues
clean boot
error messages
pc performance
safe mode
startup items
system requirements
system stability
task manager
technical support
user experience
windows 7
I am not able to connect to BSNL 3G using standard windows dialer and not even through CiDial but only working through Mobile partner. I had faced this earlier but that was another machine, another OS.
It stops at the verifying password screen and then immediately disconnects and again...
3g connection
connection settings
dial up connection
error 31
internet connection
mobile network
mobile partner
password verification
ras modem
windows dialer
windows error
Help! I cannot seem to be able to connect to my desktop with a laptop (both with 7)
how do I find out my network password? or is there some other way to connect?
I have been able to connect two PC's before with my friends Vista laptop and we usually just match up ip addresses and he puts...
I am trying to add my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit computer to an existing network that has XP computers. I have the workgroup of all computers set the same. I have network discovery on, file and printer sharing, 128 bit encription set, password protection off and use user accts and passwords...
I have a PC running XP with a Western Digital My Book external drive connected to it. My laptop running Windows 7 (and my daughter's netbook running Vista) can no longer access the WD hard drive. The rest of my network works fine (all three computers have internet access and can access the...
error message
external drive
file sharing
home network
local network
network access
network name
network setup
pc connection
shared printer
support request
tech help
user assistance
wd my book
windows 7
windows xp
Problem description
Windows 7 Homegroups are works badly on a computer with two or more network connections. ( See windows 7 internal message when trying to do so ).
Generally it is difficult to share files/ network with a second network card in windows 7.
Connecting a laptop or other computer...
I have encountered an unusual problem. While I am always able to connect to the internet wirelessly, I have issues when connecting to the internet when wired directly to my cable modem. The computer reports back Unidentified Public Network--no internet
What is odd, it that I can make a...