Hey Guys, a few weeks my network adapter quit working on me, and wouldn't start giving me an error code 10. I tried everything, and the only thing that works is if I uninstall the adapter EVERYTIME before I shut down (meaning that computer has to reinstall the driver when starting up). This...
Firstly, many of my files and folders I can't access or change even though I'm administrator. I have the take ownership option but it doesn't always work.
When I manually set my computer to sleep it comes back on in a couple seconds to the login screen with the mouse disabled for 20 seconds or...
access issues
admin rights
black screen
dependency services
error messages
file permissions
icon pack
login screen
mobile broadband
operating system
remote access
service errors
sleep mode
system errors
system restore
user accounts
windows 7
I've been using Windows 7 since january and have had off and on wireless problems. I recently put build 7057 on my computer and now I cannot connect to the internet at all. My wireless card (linksys wusb300n) has vista drivers and I just upgraded my D-link (dir-615) router's firmware.
I have...
driver issues
home network
internet connection
limited access
tech support
upgrade issues
windows 7
windows xp
wireless card
wireless security
Hey all, I am new to the forum so please excuse the lack of Vista knowledge. I am running Vista Ultimate on a T61 ThinkPad connecting wirelessly to an Asus WL-600g. Everytime my computer wakes up from standby, hibernation, or boots up from a shut down, i lose internet connection. i am able to...
asus router
internet connection
lan connection
network troubleshooting
standby issues
windows vista
wireless network
Whenever I try to connect to certain public wireless networks Vista will lock up tight, which then necessitates a hard reboot. Does anyone know why this happens? Other public wireless networks I can connect to without a hitch. But certain "hot spots" are not too hot. I contacted HP tech support...
bios update
broadcom adapter
driver issues
factory reset
hard reboot
hp laptops
laptop problems
network properties
public hotspots
registry hacks
system freeze
tech solutions
technical support
user experience
windows vista
wireless issues
wireless networks
xp drivers