data safety

  1. J

    Windows 7 Tricky boot manager issue.

    I've spent several hours now researching the problem I have with my new build and haven't found anyone with quite the same issue. I think I know a solution but find it hard to believe it is the only way. Basically, I have just built a new Ivy Bridge PC with OCZ Vertex 4 SSD. I did a clean...
  2. A

    Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite SP1*

    Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite includes 20+ PREMIUM tools for a full range of disk management, data safety and disaster recovery, copying and migration, easy virtualization, and secure data wiping operations. With the updated version, it’s even easier to increase your PC performance and keep your...
  3. T

    Windows 7 is double encryption on a Win7 file a bad idea?

    I am running Windows 7 Professional x64 on a personal, not work, laptop. I have encrypted a file using Explorer's encrypt attribute from the properties dialog. Before I put this file to a cloud storage system like Dropbox, I wanted to also use something like TrueCrypt on the file. Would it be...
  4. C

    Windows 7 CHKDSK scan report.. should I replace drives ASAP?

    Hi, my system is: Dell XPS 420 Q6600 @ 2.4GHz 8GB RAM @ 667MHz Bios A07 Windows 7 home premium 64 (SP 1) 2 x 256GB hitatchi drives in RAID 0 this system was purchased in 2009 and has not been upgraded with new hardware (apart from RAM immediately after purchase). I have recently experienced...
  5. B

    Windows 7 Can Recovery partition be backed up onto external media and then used later?

    I don't think this is a support question per-se so am posting here. If incorrect, mods feel free to move it. I want to do some partitioning of my hard drive and ideally would like to reclaim the space used by the recovery partition. If I copy my recovery partition (20GB) to an external HD or...
  6. B

    Windows 7 Questions on Re-install Windows 7

    Hello- I have to re-install Windows 7 because I had some problems with my computer due to loosing my password and having to go through the back door to enable the administrator and create a new log in. It ended up causing problems with some of my documents and other things. Also, I got it when...
  7. H

    Windows 7 Text document error: make sure a disk is in the drive you specified

    Hi. I have a text file on my portable hard disk (WD 250 GB) named urgenttttttttttt.txt you would have already assumed how important this file would be and it is updated daily. The size of the file is 545 kb which is HUGE for a notepad. I opened the file 3 days ago and it gives me an error...
  8. N

    Windows 7 Reformat & re-install

    Hello All, As a matter of habit, I tend to reformat my machine on a fairly regular basis (every 6 months or so). The last time I did a clean out, I had the problem below. I am about to clean out again, and would like to know if there is any way to avoid the problems I had last time. My...
  9. S

    Windows 7 Hello guys i want to install windows 7 to corrupted ntfs

    Hi guys . I had windows vista on this laptop for two years with no problems . I had also ubuntu on it dualbooting .. So I bought windows 7 . I went into my ubuntu installation and deleted all that was in my ntfs partition with vista except users. Then i tried to resize it . But Gparted...
  10. M

    Windows 7 Intel Rapid Storage Technology & Raid1 array

    Hi, I put two HDDs on GA P55A-UD4P motherboard in Raid1 type array (on Intel SATA Controller) and they were working fine for quite some time (2 weeks or so). One day, after Windows started up, I noticed a blue icon on Intel RST manager and it says that the array is initializing. What does...
  11. P

    Windows 7 I need a Win7 compatible NAS drive

    I'm running Win 7 HP 32 bit. The Guys on the BSOD forum have isolated my external Freeagent Pro as the cause of BSOD's. MS Win 7 compatibility says it works ok with Win7. Seagate say is doesn't. Forum opinions on the subject are divided. It either works for you or it doesn't. Mine does...
  12. Windows 7 Permanent Connection Of External Storage

    I have a external storage device that I have connected via USB and is used for backup only.. I think I am going to disconnect it and only connect it when I have OS updates. Is this OK to do it this way. Thanks
  13. H

    Windows 7 how to upgrade from 7 home premium to win 7 pro

    Hi every one, I tried to find solution to my question but didn't help much. so I'm starting ne.w thread. I already have Home premium installed on my laptop. I want to upgrade to win 7 pro. the windows tool " upgrade any time " doesn't help me because I already have the disk. what should I do...
  14. K

    Windows 7 Repartitioning in windows 7

    i have a laptop having genuine copy of windows installed the problem is that it has only one drive now i want to make more partitions but there is danger of loosing the genuine windows during partitioning process. is there any method to make partitions without any trouble remember that it has...
  15. Windows 7 Creating and Editting Partitions

    I have created a second partition to put all my games, music, work etc. on so I can format my C: drive as it my computer has started running a bit slower, especially with all the startup programmes and all the rubbish I have downloaded. My 2 problems are: 1. I can't seem to extend the volume of...
  16. T

    Windows 7 safely rsemove hardware

    When I use a pen drive and click the safely remove icon the message never comes up that it is safe to remove the hardware. It used to work but now doesn't. I am using windows 7 64 bits
  17. C

    Windows 7 What folders should NOT be compressed?

    Ok, I'm looking to compress some folders to save some disk space and I know from experience that some files shouldn't be compressed (as it can screw up the booting, etc.) so does anyone have a comprehensive list of what not to compress in windows 7?
  18. M

    Windows 7 Partitioning Drive for Optimum Performance

    1. if i put my page file swap file temp folder on its own partition, is it best to use fat32? if i remember right fat 32 is fastest just isnt the best for space usage. 2. does reinstalling windows after time (1-2 years) create better performance? im not sure what it is but windows xp and...
  19. Windows 7 Paragon Drive Backup 2010 Special Edition FREE Todaty Only

    Paragon Drive Backup 2010 Special Edition FREE Todaty Only December 2nd,. 2009 Special offer for GAOTD users! Paragon Drive Backup 2010 Special Edition offers more safety to all your important data including videos, images, music files, documents and applications. Find other extra features...
  20. How to back up your data with Windows 7 - Feature (

    Washington - Windows 7 provides more ways to keep your data safe than any previous version of Windows. And that's good news. For despite the claimed reliability of hard disks and solid state drives, data loss due to drive failure is still an all-too-... Link Removed - Invalid URL