
  1. Keeping your family safer online with Microsoft Edge and celebrating 1 year of Give with Bing

    We have lots of news this month to make the most of your time and help keep your family safer online. Today, we’re excited to unveil Microsoft Edge Kids Mode, a safer space for your child to discover the web. You can also learn more about Kids Mode by visiting Link Removed. Along with this news...
  2. VIDEO Captain Tom Moore completes final fundraising lap for NHS as donations soar past £12m

    🇬🇧 :up:
  3. VIDEO Democrats Are FINALLY Saying No To Corporate Campaign Cash

  4. VIDEO Trump Caught Funneling Cancer Donations Into His Businesses

  5. Windows 10 This message isn't legit! LOL

    Hi I just got this strange email message. This guy claims to be the innovator of MagicJack and wants people to donate to cover his medical costs... Link Removed Why he would be asking me for money is beyond me, I don't and have never had a MagicJack or anything to do with them. He's only...
  6. VIDEO Why Knights Templar and former "Guardian Angel" Raymond Elwood (aka "RayEl") can't be YHWH's Messiah

    Matthew 24: 4 Yeshua replied: "Watch out! Don't let anyone fool you! 5 For many will come in my name, saying, 'I am the Messiah!' and they will lead many astray. Matthew 24: 11 Many false prophets will appear and fool many people; 12 and many people's love will grow cold because of increased...
  7. March 2014 Website Changes and Updates

    Good news, everyone! We continue to work on our support community here at Please expect more updates in the coming month. March 5, 2014: Forum software was updated. March 5, 2014: Special thanks to @Pauli for his generous donation to help continue website operations. March...
  8. Windows 7 Search bar editing

    I don't know about you but when I want to change something in the search bar weather it be in Firefox or Ebay I point my mouse to the position I want to start typing or whatever, and instead of editing the phrase there it highlights the whole thing. I want to turn this highlight option off and...
  9. M

    A Change in Financial Times on

    Bad news coming over the forum wire. Due to the unforeseen circumstances of economic worldwide recession and a massive drop in visitor levels according to both our independent analytics data, as well as internal monitoring data, we have taken the unusual and emergency steps of enacting...
  10. Atheists Offer Post-Rapture Services before Harold Camping Rapture

    response to the prediction of May 21 as rapture day, atheists have begun cashing in on their guaranteed stay. A group of atheists in Seattle have begun a funding campaign for people who will be left behind, and a website offers to deliver the mail of Christians after they are taken to heaven to...
  11. World's Largest Jesus

    Polish Town of Swiebodzin Constructs World's Largest Jesus Statue People all over the world look up to Jesus -- but none look up to him more than residents of the Polish town of Swiebodzin. The small village is now home to the world's largest statue of Jesus Christ, which rises 115 feet...
  12. Windows 7 Battlefield Bad Company 2

    Just figured I'd mention that myself and a few fellow conspirators have leased a dedicated server for Bad Company 2/Vietnam, it's hosted at Multiplay/London as we are are UK based, and currently it's only 20 players but we aim to boost this to 64 in comming months if we get enough donations, you...
  13. Help Keep The Site Going Strong

    Today is a new day. still desperately needs your support. If you find yourself using the service often, we urge you to take into consideration the possibility of upgrading your account to Premium Supporter status. The goal of maintaining an information repository has lasted. And...
  14. U

    Run Ubuntu Linux Seamlessly on Windows with andLinux

    Introduction andLinux is a complete Ubuntu Linux system running seamlessly in Windows 2000 based systems (2000, XP, 2003, Vista; 32-bit versions only). This project was started for Dynamism for the GP2X community, but its userbase far exceeds its original design. andLinux is free and will...