drive visibility

  1. G

    Windows reads 2nd drive without any visibility even if drive is disabled and drive letter removed.

    I had my old C: HHD drive replaced by an SSD, and moved to D: A new copy of Windows 10 was installed by the computer shop. Although I never used my D: drive since then, Windows 10 reads it upon waking from sleep for a few minutes - even when the drive was disabled and the drive letter removed as...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Possible to hide drives (similar to files&folders)?

    Is it possibel to hide (temporarily) drives as well (similar to files&folders) ? If yes: How can I achieve this? Peter
  3. P

    Windows 7 Let Win7 on 1st prim part see Win7 on 2nd prim partition but NOT other way?

    I have here the following partitioning on my hard disc 1 primarypartition firstWin7system 2 SystemReservedPartition bootable active hidden 3 primarypartition otherWin7system 4 extendedLogicalPartition otherStuff When I boot now I got the boot selection menu from partition 2...
  4. julio99

    Windows 7 Unable to see empty drives in Explorer

    I have tried every conceivable way to get Explorer to let me view my empty drives under Computer. They show when there's a disk in them. They show in the reading pane, they just won't show up as empty drives in the Nav pane. I have tried deleting the upper and lower filters in the registry...
  5. S

    Windows 7 Hide drive C while in Win 7 mode

    Hi, I have a situation, I successfully installed Win 7 on my system, everything works well, and now, besides my XP OS on drive C, I have a second OS - Win 7 on partition on other drive F. BUT, now that I want to instal drivers and other software on Win 7, in instalation dialog it shows that...
  6. J

    Windows 7 Make sure that "Disk Management" can see your drives.

    Upon installation of Windows 7 check that your drives are visable by Disk Manager, if not you will have problems as time passes, most notable is the inability to do disk fragmentation either by the built in defragmenter or by programs such as Perfect Disk. The operating System will perform like...
  7. G

    Windows 7 Users cannot see Drive in Windows 7

    I have installed Windows 7 (the trial version) As a users I can see all the drives Ok, but when other users log on (they are set up as administrators) they cannot see 1 of the drives (the G drive) I have shared the drive, then the other users can see the drive as part of the network, but not as...
  8. C

    Windows 7 dual boot/xp/7100

    I'm a bit worried about this as the two drives are visable at all times (regardless of if it's xp or 7) What I'm worried about specifically is that how likely will one program from one side influence the other. I've already had a search bring up stuff from the opposite drive when I...
  9. elryry

    Windows 7 External Hard Drive and Homegroup

    Hey.. I've been working with this problem for quite a while now and have come to no resoultion. To begin I need to say that my Homegroups is working great. Have Windows 7 installed on a laptop and a desktop and are able to see the music, documents, pictures, and videos libraries fine. The...
  10. S

    Windows 7 windows 7 help

    Hello i have dual boot windows 7 and windows vista. I can boot both without a problem. The only thing is that when i boot to Windows 7 i cant see my vista drive, but i can see both drives when i start vista. Any one know how i can fix this, thanks. never mind i found out how to fix it
  11. F

    Windows 7 One drive is not visible.

    Hi, I have 3 drives. C, D, E, C -> windows Xp D -> Windows 7 E -> Just my files. once I login to windows 7, I cannot see my C:\ drive insted my D:\ drive is named as C:\ wot is the wrong there?
  12. Z

    Windows 7 disks not showing up

    hi i have 3 other opperating systems installed on the same harddrive as my windows 7 (vista, mac osx and ubtuntu) and none of the drives show up in windows 7 not even the vista's c: drive. how can i get to see my other harddrives?
  13. E

    Windows Vista Search not working for new HDD

    I've had this computer since december, and have only ever had Vista on it. I got a new hard drive thats about a month old. Its been working fine as my storage, but when I try to use the search feature, no files show up. I'm computer literate, and know I am searching correctly. I also check to...