
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO eBike Batteries Are Catching Fire - How to know if you’re Safe

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Universally Dangerous Socket Outlet - The Holiday Shocker 🔌

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Is Your Power Supply Obsolete?

  4. D

    Is this new power cable compatible with my desktop? or will it fry everything?

    Hello everyone, my desktop is an HP compaq from 2015 and on the power supply it reads "AC input 100-240 V-/4 A,50-60 Hz" then "DC output shall not exceed 240 W" and on the actual power cord to the power suppy reads "10A 125V" I bought a new European powercord because I am in europe now, but it...
  5. E

    Windows 7 PC turns off !

    I have got a pc that turns off while i move in the room but im sure that the problem is in the power supply bcz when i move them the pc turns off..What to do?
  6. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 Hit by lighting again!

    Hi I'm getting tired of this. A year ago we got hit by lightning and it took out my computer, router and dish box. I got a lot more careful since then, so when I heard that thunder during the night I came down stairs and disconnected my master plug, I have one plug that unplugs everything...
  7. P

    Windows 8 battery

    Is it appropriate to use a laptop on ac power with no battery?
  8. seekermeister

    Windows 7 Wattage Spikes

    Due to the fact that my apartment complex put out a notice that one day this week, there is going to be a total electrical blackout, while some kind of A/C repair is done, I'm planning on buying a small generator from Harbor freight. I know that the one I have in mind, because all that I plan...
  9. davehc

    Windows 8 Computer addiction

    OMG. Last Friday we had a horrendous storm through the country where I dwell. The aftermath was chaos in the electrical/electronic sector. I lost the internet connection (with many others) and my telephone. Only yesterday did I get a rigged partial restore, with my connection only at half speed...
  10. News

    Windows 7 Jellybean, the Kinect Drivable Lounge Chair

    You saw it at Mix—in typical fashion, our mission was to build two Jellybean robots in three weeks for the Mix keynote; no pressure, right?—and now it's time to introduce Project Jellybean on Coding4Fun. So, here it is—the Kinect drivable lounge chair! The lounge chair has Omni-directional...
  11. cybercore

    Japan's Fukushima nuclear engineers are stalled by smoke at the reactor

    Efforts to restore power to the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan were stalled by smoke billowing from reactors yesterday. A cable that could allow cooling systems to be restored was attached to reactor No.2 – one of six at the tsunami-hit facility. But engineers had to...
  12. Nibiru2012

    Maintain excellent electronic connectivity with DeoxIT

    First, let me state that this is NOT A SPAM or am I receiving compensation for this! :cool: Sometimes we all experience minor or major problems with electronic connections. Usually this is due to high humidity levels, high moisture, corrosive and/or greasy environments, etc. I recently...
  13. Firecracker

    Your Computer Experiance

    I Thought this might be interesting I in the last 3 years working in the IT industry I have incounted a common Computer problem. and tis is what I see most off Blown or faulty Power Supply Units or (PSU's) Not only do they Toast your hardware like your Hard Drives, CD/DVD Drives, fans...
  14. R

    Windows 7 yet again I need help RE power

    My system has a new OCZ 700w power supply. The system is drawing about 200W with a PF~1.0 It is connected to an APC 750VA/400W UPS. That is plugged into the same outlet as a laser printer. When I run XP and print a file - the printer starts up and creates a brownout. The UPS reacts, switches...
  15. kemical

    Windows 7 Why good PSU's are essential

    I caught this over at the Inquirer site and thought I'd post... Nice if you like to see sparks flying...:cool: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  16. 03hdfatboy

    Windows 7 My PSU Died

    I have a OCZ GameXStream 850W PSU and when I shut down the PC B-4 I went to bed last it was fine. I got up this morning, pressed the power button, the lights came on and went right back off I was like WTF :confused: so I reached around back and switched it off and went to fix the coffee pot and...