
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Braindead EPA Chief On Hurricane Irma: “Not The Time To Talk About Climate Change”

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO The EPA Wants To Stop Scientists From Reporting On Climate Change

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump’s EPA Just Approved A Pesticide That Damages Children's Brains The Ring of Fire

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Senator Ed Markey: President Trump's EPA Executive Order A 'Declaration Of War' | MSNBC

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO To Defend Trump's Budget Cuts, Republican Senator Says EPA Is “Brainwashing” Our Children

  6. whoosh

    Fukushima Updates June 5

    The situation at Fukushima remains critical. Please read my last status update at http://majiasblog.blogspot.com/2011/06/ ... shima.html The news out today focuses on the degree of contamination and the situation at reactor 1, which is devoid of pressure. I’m not sure whether new confirmation...
  7. whoosh

    Downed EPA Radiation site caused stir amid Fukushima monster cover-up

    The day after the Chernobyl nuclear crisis anniversary, amid what scientists call a monster government and industry cover-up of Fukushima's "off the scale" radiation impact on people in North America and beyond, when Link Removedwent down Tuesday, progressive websites reported it as news...
  8. whoosh

    America toxic radiation seeping into their food, water, skin, and lungs.

    While Americans are busy focusing on the most ridiculous forms of entertainment such as Dancing With The Stars, American Idol, and whatever mindless reality show currently keeps them glued to their couches, the entire country is in the process of being covered with a cloud of toxic radiation...
  9. whoosh

    Fukushima Daiichi Radioactive Seawater Model, Spent Fuel Rods DID Explode Into Atmosphere

    ASR Limited, a marine consulting and research firm has released a radioactive seawater model that seems to confirm that radiation will spread throughout the pacific ocean. Remember, US and Japanese officials have gone on the record with their belief that radiation in the Pacific will not hurt...
  10. whoosh

    EPA creates new safety limitsPosted: 09 Apr 2011 00:45

    EPA’s Office of Radiation and Indoor Air (ORIA) plans to update its 1992 PAG, “governing radiation protection decisions for both short (and) long-term cleanup standards.” However, agency experts object, including Stuart Walker of the Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation...
  11. whoosh

    Strontium Isotopes Detected in Moscow - Japan, Canada and U.S. Have Some Explaining To Do

    According to an article by Agence France Presse on April 1,"Radon, a company set up in Moscow to monitor radioactivity and dispose of radioactive waste in central Russia, has been detecting traces of iodine and strontium isotopes since last week, deputy director Oleg Polsky said." ["Moscow...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Japan plutonium radiation and the Pacific Ocean

    Facts In Brief FISHERMEN AND SEAFOOD SUPPLIERS DELIVER APPROXIMATELY 300 SPECIES TO MARKET EACH YEAR, FROM THE PACIFIC OCEAN. Tablets only protect us against Iodine 131, not against Cesium 134, 137, Plutonium, Uranium, and Strontium 90 radioactive particles. It’s not a surprise that the gov’ts...
  13. whoosh

    U.S. Seeks to Reassure on Contaminated Food

    U.S. public-health officials sought Tuesday to reassure consumers about the safety of food in the U.S., including seafood, amid news that fish contaminated with unusually high levels of radioactive materials had been caught in waters 50 miles from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan...
  14. whoosh

    Charlie Sheen and the EPA ?

    Is it just a coincidence but the, EPA are having such bad publicity ,due to there bungled attempts to tell folk not to worry . They need a front man , someone to lend gravitas to there more ludicrous statements . Well what do you know , Charlie Sheen is out of work ! That man is a genius and is...
  15. whoosh

    EPA to raise "safe" limits | You will always be safe however much you are raidated !

    previously wrote about how the Federal Government decided to wait almost 2 weeks to inform the public that Link Removed. There is now news that what was originally reported as only tiny, harmless, minuscule amounts is now being detected at levels several thousand percent greater than what is...
  16. whoosh

    Fallout from Japan now rivals chernobyl | Very Scary Read

    Independent scientists are warning, contrary to statements from the talking heads on corporate media outlets who say Japan is not Chernobyl, the levels of radioactive material being released in from Japan’s nuclear fallout already rivals Chernobyl Levels. News of the high levels of radioactive...
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO EPA Warns Rain Water Levels Exceed Maximum Contaminant Level Permitted

    No need to panic = again !
  18. whoosh

    Radiation Detected in 13 US States !

    Radiation from Japan’s damaged nuclear power plant has been detected in a growing number of states. Yet government officials keep telling the American public they shouldn’t be worried. From The Christian Science Monitor’s Mark Clayton yesterday: Elevated yet still very low levels of radiation...
  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Deadly nuclear levels detected

    RADIATION levels that can prove fatal were detected outside reactor buildings at Japan’s Fukushima No.1 plant for the first time, complicating efforts to contain the worst disaster since Chernobyl in 1986. Water in an underground trench outside the No.2 reactor had levels exceeding one sievert...
  20. reghakr

    15 Awesome Supercars the Feds Won’t Seize

    If your free time is spent at all like ours, you poke around European eBay sites checking out wonders of the automotive world that will never make it to our shores. Like fresh Guinness, strong coffee and heated towel racks, some creations just can't get across the Atlantic. You can blame U.S...