
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Particle Physicists Confirm Existence of Odderon | Odderon Particles

    That's odd :p
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO How Is This Man Able To Unlock A Van With His Head? | ExperiMental | Spark

  3. whoosh

    NEWS Russian nuclear weapons engineers caught minting blockchange with supercomputer

    Russia's Interfax News Agency reports that engineers at the All-Russian Research Institute of Experimental Physics (RFNC-VNIIEF)—the Russian Federation Nuclear Center facility where scientists designed the Soviet Union's first nuclear bomb—have been arrested for mining cryptocurrency with...
  4. News

    Node-ChakraCore Update: N-API, Node.js on iOS and more

    Today, we are happy to announce a new preview release of ChakraCore, based on Node.js 8, available for you to try on Windows, macOS, and Linux. We started our Node-ChakraCore journey with a focus on Link Removed to a new platform, Windows 10 IoT Core. From the beginning, it’s been clear that in...
  5. News

    Finger Tracking with Metrilus Aiolos Finger Tracking Library

    Today's library is one I've seen asked for a number of times on different forums and comments. Best of all, you can get it free and help them flesh it out... Link Removed We are excited to share our Finger Tracking library Aiolos for Kinect v2 with you. At this time, Aiolos is still in an...
  6. whoosh

    NEWS Ebola serum supply reaches Liberia

    Liberia has begun treating Ebola patients with serum therapy - a treatment made from the blood of recovered survivors. Doctors hope the experimental treatment could help combat the virus that has been sweeping West Africa and killing thousands of people. Up to 13 December, 6,841 people had been...
  7. whoosh

    NEWS Homeopaths sent to deadly Ebola hotspot to treat victims with ARSENIC and SNAKE VENOM

    Team spent days in remote Liberian hospital to prove that remedies work They planned to treat victims with 'rattlesnake venom' and 'Spanish Fly' Boasted of the 'unique opportunity' presented by deadly Ebola outbreak Claimed they would treat all European victims after proving success Ebola...
  8. Christopher Evers

    Windows 10 Start menu issues

    Not sure if this is relevant or helpful at all...I have been working with 10TP for a little over a week and have found this to be problematic for me...I edit the Start Menu Structure a fair bit and when I do this to the 10TP menu, it will from time to time after restart "squish down". I did a...
  9. J

    Windows 7 Video LAN Client

    Hi all, Has anyone had any problems with VLCx64 ? As i noticed, on filehippo that VLC Media Player 64-bit is an experimental version of the program. Download VLC Media Player 2.0.5 (64-bit) - FileHippo.com Regards J.Quid
  10. News

    Windows 7 anode: An Experimental node.js Platform for Windows Azure

    Link Removed is an experimental platform for rapidly prototyping web apps on Windows Azure. anode is built by Microsoft entirely with node.js and uses many great open source modules written by the awesome node.js community around the world. This is not a service. It's an experiment. That said...
  11. Mike


    We are going to import all data from Windows8Forums.com, move the domain here, use a combined salt, and split the data into two different sites. If all goes accordingly, both sites should share the same user database and forum installation while appearing to be two separate websites. Any member...
  12. Jimbo22

    googles new black nav bar

    Is there a way to remove this ugly eye sore of a navigation bar that google has so kindly gave us. It's experimental but going to be permanent.
  13. News

    Windows 7 Announcing the Official Release of Rx!

    You've learned a lot about Rx (Reactive Extensions) on C9 over the years. You've seen Rx go from incubation stage to DevLabs project to having a happy home on the Link Removed. Today, we're very pleased to announce that Link Removed Link Removed Rx V1 will ship as a stable release with...
  14. cybercore

    Windows 7 Adobe launches Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool

    "Wallaby" is the codename for an experimental technology that converts the artwork and animation contained in Adobe® Flash® Professional (FLA) files into HTML. This allows you to reuse and extend the reach of your content to devices that do not support the Flash runtimes. Once these files are...
  15. News

    Windows 7 endpoint.tv - WF4 Workflow Episodes - a Task Based API

    In this episode I'll show you an experimental API prototype I created which allows you to invoke a workflow as a task using System.Threading.Task. The benefit of doing this is you get a much simpler API for using WorkflowApplication. This API is included in the latest release of Link Removed...
  16. Celestra


    March 31, 2010 Cutting Fat- And Calories--From Cakes And Frostings A new cooking oil (Fantesk) that is trans fat free. Developed by George Fanta and the late Kenneth Eskins in the 1990's at the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Mukuto Singh experiments with the oil which is encapsulated in...