Hi all, I'm new to the forum.
Basically I register mainly to ask this question.
I have a older laptop with an older SSD where I installed Windows 10 (Version 21H1, OS Build 19043.1348) on drive C with the diligently maintained 10-12 Gb of free disk space. I rarely install anything new because I...
data cleanup
disk cleanup
disk space
free space
memory cache
storage management
system performance
temporary files
update cache
virtual hard drive
windows 10
windows 11
windows re
windows search
I want to remove the Windows.old file.
I want to get rid of it before I make my System Image of the C:\ drive.
It's 27.4 Gigabytes, and I'd like to not have to back it up.
I don't need it, I have a System Image of the old drive already.
I used to do it with Cleaner, but it doesn't show it as a...
I have a lengthy video clip I want to cut into smaller clips, I have kdenlive installed however I am not sure if it wants to re-render the clips into new files, I just want to copy and paste certain parts of the video into smaller videos, can anyone recommend anything? Thanks in advance.
I've renamed photos within a folder many times without a problem but today I noticed that 2 or 3 photos had been given the same number.
Eg. Pix 01, pix01, pix01 , pix02, pix02, pix02 etc
The photos in each are different, intact and can be opened OK.
Wondering how this can actually happen and...
I am posting my problem here because I've made the jump from Windows 10 to 11, but I've had this problem when I was running Windows 10 also. My problem is I'll have to right click several times on a file in Windows explorer in order for the context menu to stay on long enough for me to choose a...
I have instaled Microsoft Edge 92.0.902.73.
Until some time ago I could export the Favourites to a File and Import Them again to the Microsoft Edge.
Now, I can't do that because i don«t see the option to to this.
Someone can help me?
Thanks and best regards
José Paiva
I recently recovered a deleted video file. I'm attempting to move it to my backup drive but the following message appeared (attachment included).
I don't recall ever having this issue in the past so I'm not sure what I need to do to fix it.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.
I have digitized some LPs. I am saving them to This PC >C>users>wclif>music in there own folder by artist. I went this way for 2 reasons - I don't want to use OneDrive and when I checked the properties of most of the existing music in Media Player it said it was here.
The problem is that...
How to make GoogleDriveBackUpSync Status Window and Status Bar floating around on the Desktop all time freely.
Any Way to export the rea-time sync status to an external display windows, s o as to monitor Sync Progress all time?!?
1* GoogleDriveBackUpSync Status Window and Status Bar should be...
cloud storage
data safety
file deletion
google drive
local drives
status window
sync issues
sync progress
user interface
user preferences
Dear Anyone.
I know this is stoopid and I should know the answer, be kind! I've got 2 external hard drives attached to my Win10 machine. One's gone dodgy. I know PHYSICALLY which of the 2 it is, so I want to copy all the data from it to the other one BUT - I don't know how to tell which...
Greetings, I need a Script that separates files According to destination folder name. Example if in the destination folder there is a folder named Paulo, it searches in the source folder where the files are located to separate files that have the name Paulo.
batch processing
filemanagementfile sorting
file system
task automation
user request
I have a little problem.
If I install windows 10 and not choose to wipe my drive,will it put everything in my D drive in my C drive Windows.old folder?
I don't know what did this but if I am in a program that ask me to select a folder for a video to be saved to or imported from it has changed the name of a directory path even in windows explorer it shows an incorrect complicated path that looks like something to do with zune.
I have created a...
address bar
computer issues
filemanagementfile structure
file system
movies & tv
path name
user profile
windows 10
windows explorer
In the past, on some of our client machines (Win 10 Pro, latest version), had their user account document folder relocated to the H: location in the home folder for their server side account. We now have changed that model, so that all document folders shall remain local on the local machines...
I'm showing an example of one folder from my music collection to demonstrate the problem that I've having. On my main hard drive I've been changing the art for each album (folder) to show a single image of the album cover. I'm doing this by choosing a .jpg of the album cover from the customize...
batch process
data transfer
external drive
folder properties
hard drive
image issues
manual changes
Hi, guys!
Windows 10 (20.04) is holding Ortho4XP-P3D down. The program works fine and fast as long as it's in the Windows' download folder. But It slows down the compiler if I move the program anywhere else or other partitions. I added Ortho4XP-P3D to Controller Folder Access, but it didn't...
Just like the title says, i am able to search for my documents and i can find them but when i double click to open the message comes up saying "there was an error opening this document. This file cannot be found."