file management

  1. zyn

    Windows 10 Delete write protection From USB file

    I've been trying to remove File protection from a file from a USB and then delete it for a little while now I Tried. Removing disk attributes from the USB Starting up in SafeMode Delete The File From Command Prompt. Still Can Not Delete the File. If anyone knows how to help me out...
  2. F

    Windows 10 Tmp folder

    I have a bunch of files in a tmp folder from 2019. Is it ok to dump them? One site (MSN) said ok but just double-checking. Thanks.
  3. T

    Windows 10 Why are Recent shortcuts (automatic & customs destinations) still stored although options disabled?

    In Windows 10 v21H2 I disabled in Settings--->Personalization---->START - Show recently added apps=Off and - Show recently opened items in Jump List an Start=Off But when I go to folders - C:\Users\tob\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent\AutomaticDestinations\ and -...
  4. News

    Announcing the Microsoft Store App Awards Winners!

    Since launching the new Microsoft Store on Windows last year, we’ve welcomed thousands of great desktop apps and games. We are excited to introduce the Microsoft Store App Awards and recognize select developers and apps. We're excited to introduce the Microsoft Store Community Choice Awards...
  5. T

    Windows 11 Duplicate Folders

    I am very new to Windows 11 and One Drive (like 3 days!). I have discovered that on my desktop I have two folders called Pictures. In properties one has a location as C:\Users\t***\OneDrive\Desktop, the other C:\Users\t***\OneDrive\Desktop. and of course in One Drive there is...
  6. H

    Windows 10 windows 10 no longer boots at all

    I have dual OS installed one linux manjaro and windows 10 and it uses grub v2.02 bootloader. It shows windows 10 in the list to boot but when selected it goes to a dark screen with text saying cannot detect any OS on device. Make sure to unplug any device that's connected that has no OS then...
  7. E

    Windows 10 Moving files around into folders and right clicking files often makes my file system unresponsive

    Newer build with high end components. Machine Specs: - Windows 10 - Motherboard: x570 Taichi - Processor: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X 12-Core Processor - 3.70 GHz - RAM: 64.0 GB - M.2 970 EVO 1TB (400GB used) - Graphics Card: Ventus 3X 3080 Whenever I try to move files around on my computer, my file...
  8. S

    Windows 10 How can I open .wbz files

    Hi all, I found .wbz files on old CDs. Pls advise what program shall I run to read them? Tks. Regards
  9. dLo

    Windows 10 Help to delete the files

    I want to get rid of the files but there is no delete option and I can't restore them to there default locations. Link Removed
  10. Z

    Windows 10 Administrator - "Do not have permission to delete file"

    I have multiple hard drives. I use some for data storage (music, etc). I reinstalled windows 10 pro on the C drive and I'm having trouble writing to and sometimes deleting files in a directory on the D drive (different physical drive). I'm logged in as the default account with administrator...
  11. A

    Windows 10 I Accidentally Moved My Captures Folder To Onedrive And Cant Change It Back

    So basically I accidentally moved my captures folder location (the place where my screenshots go) to my onedrive folder. And when i try to switch it back it states that there is an error and that access is denied and overall wont let me switch the location back. Im stuck ):
  12. DuckyLikesBread

    Windows 11 Hiding folders or files in data streams

    is there any way to add folders to data streams, you can make new text files and apparently store file but it will always error for me, does anyone know how to make folders in data streams or commands that wont error when i try to hide a file?
  13. whoosh

    VIDEO "Super Hidden" Files in Windows (Even Experts Don't Know About)

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Storing your files in the cloud? You should know this...

  15. D

    Windows 11 Replace characters in a file name with other characters

    I have a large library of music file names (mp3 files) that I need to change to conform to certain criteria. 1. I need to append the two digits "00" to the beginning of certain filenames that do not have a track number 2. I need to replace the two characters "(a space)-", that may appear...
  16. M

    Windows 11 Noted Windows 11 Challenges

    I recently purchased a new laptop with Windows 11. It looks stylish but I have noted one serious problem. Whenever I want to search through my files, I don't get feedback with respect to PDF files. Instead, it gives feedback in connection with word files only. An example is necessary. I have...
  17. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 11 How do I add some folders to the Start Screen

    Hi I want to add a couple of folders to the screen that opens when I click on the start button. I.E. Healthy Kidney Recipes, etc. that I want to use regularly, that's what happens when you're 83. I've tried saving the folder on Drive C:\ as Start Menus Folder and then clicking on it and...
  18. Rich73Kelly

    Windows 10 "Quick access" menu

    The quick access folder is a great idea ... to a point ... Just because I am working in or, on a folder doesn't mean I will need to open it again. I am moving music files around and will most likely delete said folder anyway. This isn't happening all the time but, if I have a folder open for...
  19. T

    Windows 10 How to change default "Download" & "My Documents" folders from commandline + Registry?

    How can I let Windows how the current default "Downloads" and "My Documents" folders from COMMAND LINE? How can I change from COMMAND LINE the default "Downloads" and "My Documents" folders to lets say "D:\myspecial\"? How can I change directly in Registry the default "Downloads" and "My...
  20. F

    Windows 10 A50 Galaxy/Backup to computer/W10

    Hello My A50 Galaxy is Backed up to the computer. I turn on the computer and Login. When I press 'Enter' the screen shows the folders, but Folders for the Phone messages appear as well. How can I clear the messages from the screen, please? Thank you.