
  1. cybercore

    Largest home aquarium

    Exotic fish enthusiast Jack Heathcote owns the largest home fish tank in the country, which he has to dive in to clean out. The salsa teacher from Nottingham was not happy with a simple goldfish bowl so instead splashed out on a massive tank, which he installed in his basement. It cost...
  2. cybercore

    Man vs. megafish

    No, it's not another Syfy movie starring Tiffany and Debbie Gibson. But it does have a made-for-TV plotline: Mississippi man goes fishing. Man catches and hauls in a 300+ pound alligator gar fish more than 8 feed long. Cut to: "... giant fish comes back to life and swallows the fisherman...
  3. cybercore

    VIDEO The world's smallest aquarium

    It can only hold two teaspoons of water, it can sit in the palm of your hands, and there's only room for the smallest of fish in it - it's the world's smallest aquarium. It might not be the most spacious environment - it's a far cry from, you know, the Amazon or the Atlantic Ocean - but the...
  4. whoosh

    "My Fish"

    Life can be unfair !
  5. M

    Windows 7 The Windows 7 Beta Wallpaper

    Remember that clever beta fish that was on the default background in Windows 7 build 7000? Why not use him for your RTM? Here it is, 1920*1200 resolution only.
  6. whoosh

    "The Fish was this Big !" ....."Wow!"

  7. S

    Windows 7 Secret clue on windows 7?

    I am woundering what tipe of secret he is hiding there. looking for a clue in wikipedia and found nothin', i have spend my hours on it lol.. If any one haves a clue, u now where to come lol Source regards, S.87