
  1. reghakr

    Cyber-Attacks on Gmail, Defense Industries Linked to China: Investigators

    The hackers that launched attacks against Link Removed have passed their evidence along to the FBI, which is performing a follow-up investigation. Jinan is also the headquarters of the Chinese intelligence service, and both that organization and the PLA have repeatedly said that China is beefing...
  2. News

    At D9, Windows 8 makes debut, and more (roundup)

    The gathering of tech CEOs and other bigwigs also puts the spotlight on Twitter's new photo-sharing service, Google's social-networking efforts, HP's WebOS ambitions, and then some. Source: Yahoo! News
  3. reghakr

    Eric Schmidt: 'Gang of four' rules tech

    RANCHO PALOS VERDES, Calif.--Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt said a "gang of four" rules technology today: Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook. The four companies are "exploiting platform strategies" to create enormous value both for consumers and shareholders, he said here today at...
  4. reghakr

    Android Market: thousands affected as 26 new malware apps discovered

    Over 100,000 Android users may have been affected by malicious apps, as 26 more malware programs have been identified on Google’s Android Market. Link Removed - Invalid URL made the discovery over the weekend, and believes that the rogue software was likely created by the same persons who...
  5. reghakr

    How secure is your wallet in Google's hands? (FAQ)

    Google unveiled its mobile payment plans today, with private field trials starting in San Francisco and New York followed by a public launch sometime during the summer on the Nexus S. The system lets smartphones with NFC (near-field communication) chips use wireless technology to transmit...
  6. c a g a t a y

    Windows 7 Error: Unable to resolve ip of host xxxx

    Hi all Last night I have upgraded my OS from XP to Win7 Everthing is OK When I had tried to connect a web site (with Internet Exloper 8) I am getting Error: Unable to resolve ip of host Google Google FaceBook etc But I am connecting some other websites easily Why I am not connecting to...
  7. News

    iFive: Sony Canada Hacked, Google's NFC Credit Plans, No Windows 8 Soon, Amazon's Che

    1. Sony's hack woes have deepened--now its Canadian version of the eShop has been hacked by a self-professed grey hat Lebanese hacker, and 2,000 customer records have been acquired (evidence for around 1,000 posted online). At this point it's tempting to say the attacks have moved into a new...
  8. E

    Windows 7 Problem with connection to certain site

    Hi people i need help with this thing it began 1 week ago. The problem is that in random time i cant connect to sites sutch as google or youtube. After 2 mins i open my browser and i successfuly connect. I thought it is problem of my network but its not becouse while this happens i can...
  9. reghakr

    Google Chromebooks from Samsung, Acer Will Fail: 10 Reasons Why

    News Analysis: The new Chromebook notebooks introduced by Samsung and Acer with considerable fanfare at the Google I/O conference the week of May 9 will be available for order on June 15. But their chances of survival just aren’t all that great. Link Removed this week, Google announced that...
  10. cybercore

    Sergey Brin: Only 20% of Googlers still on Windows

    Google I/O Google co-founder Sergey Brin has said that only about 20 per cent of Google's employees are still using Microsoft Windows, and that all of those users are on Windows 7. He stressed, however, that he is not sure of the exact percentage. Rumors had indicated that within the...
  11. reghakr

    Google takes surprise $500M charge over DOJ ad investigation

    Google’s Form 10-Q filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Link Removed, contains an unexpected $500 million charge for the first quarter that wasn’t reported in the company’s quarterly results. The filing says the charge was taken this month, and applied to the quarter ended...
  12. reghakr

    Rumor: Microsoft entering into Skype deal talks?

    Last week rumors hit the Internet that the VoIP based telephone company Skype was in talks to either be acquired or join in a huge deal with a major Internet company. Now yet another company has supposedly entered the fray, at least according to a new story at GigOm. Using unnamed sources, the...
  13. reghakr

    [Rumor] Is Google changing how it displays search results?

    So I was doing some searching on Google. Typically when I run a Google search, I get results displayed like so: Aside from the lack of ads (yes, I block ads now) there is nothing special about the search results page: It is the standard search results page I have been seeing since...
  14. cybercore

    Yahoo plans to keep search records for 18 months

    Yahoo plans to extend the amount of time it retains records on what its users search for online, just two years after breaking from the other big Internet search engines and promising to delete such data promptly. The new policy brings the company in line with Google Inc., which dominates the...
  15. cybercore

    Microsoft Doubles IE9 Usage Share

    Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) is gaining market share for its' new Internet Explorer 9 web browser. Whether or not IE9 adoption is enough to stem the tide of IE's overall declining share in the face of competition from Mozilla and Google remains to be seen. "Just six weeks after the launch of...
  16. cybercore

    Windows Phone 7: Only 674,000 sold?

    Does the name Eldar Murtazin ring any bells? Well, it should as Murtazin is the chap who got hands on with the Nokia N8 ages before it hit the shops, foretold that the Motorola Xoom would be the launchpad for Honeycomb and also revealed details of the Microsoft and Nokia partnership days before...
  17. cybercore

    ☛ Google to teach computers regret

    Link Removed Google has been known to pump money into all kinds of high-tech research projects at computer science departments all over the world. In this case, a group of researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel are working on technology that will teach computers to feel “regret” for...
  18. News

    Leaked screens of Windows 8 App Store were fakes

    Everyone has an app store today after the success Apple had with the App Store for the iPhone. After the massive success of Apple, it was a guarantee that just about all other makers were going to jump in with their own offerings. So far, the massively popular ones are still run by Apple and...
  19. cybercore

    How Google is teaching computers to see

    Computers used to be blind, and now they can see. Thanks to increasingly sophisticated algorithms, computers today can recognize and identify the Eiffel Tower, the Mona Lisa or a can of Budweiser. Still, despite huge technological strides in the last decade or so, visual search has plenty...
  20. cybercore

    University of Southern California researcher spoofs Googles prank (w/ video)

    You may remember that just a few days ago, the folks over at Google decided to play a little prank on the world. For April Fools Day they created a spoof video about a supposed new feature, Gmail Motion. If you didn't get to see the prank first hand, you can take a look at Link Removed - Invalid...