gtx 680

  1. Windows 10 GPU won't detect on BIOS - second GPU won't set up third monitor - NVIDIA GTX 680 and 760

    This afternoon my GTX 760 decided to hang itself for whatever reason. I did a bit of trouble shooting - clearing CMOS, un-reinstalling drivers, replacing it with another card (the 680), putting it in another PC, etc. and it doesn't seem to work. Specifically, BIOS won't detect it. Specs: MSI TF...
  2. Windows 10 I can't upgrade to windows 10 because of incompatible display?

    I have NVIDIA GTX 680 graphics card, and I have the latest drivers installed. Yet when I open the windows 10 upgrade app, it says the display is incompatible. I have read in several places that the GTX 680 works on windows 10, so why can't I upgrade?
  3. G

    Windows 8 0x000000d1 and 0x0000001e even when idle

    I'm getting both of these errors constantly. Everything used to work with my old Asus z77 MB and I'm on my second MSI z87 G45 since I returned the first one thinking that it was bad. Now I'm thinking it's the CPU since everything else worked fine on my Asus z77. PSU = I have an Antec 850w. RAM...
  4. Nouveau vs. NVIDIA Linux vs. NVIDIA Windows 8.1

    Phoronix: In this article we're looking at three of the graphics cards: the NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT, GeForce GTX 460, and GeForce GTX 680. Link Removed
  5. I

    Windows 7 RANDOM BSOD please help

    hey guys since last week or so ive been getting random bsod. ive had this pc for almost three years now without any issues. the things i have tried so far are cleaning inside the case and reseating the cpu cooler and installing windows. but the issue still persists. my specs are, Intel i7-930...
  6. Windows 8 nVidia 3D Vision.

    Hi I just wanted to relay my experience with nVidia 3D vision. I got my new computer specifically set up to use with the 3D setup With an nVida GTX 680 video card. I purchased an Asus monitor that supports a 144hz refresh rate. I was worried that I was making this investment for...
  7. Windows 8 No more upgrading for me!

    Hi I just ordered a new computer and it will come with Windows 8 Pro installed. I'm a pioneer whoo hoo! I was configuring my computer yesterday and it still shipped with Windows 7. Today I went back to go ever it again and they now list it as shipping with Windows 8! I ordered a new Falcon...
  8. Windows 7 Computer Freezes with Solid Red Screen. Error 124

    Computer Freezes with Solid Red Screen. Error 124 is what windows tells me. I had posted this on another forum, but nobody there has responded for several days now. So i'm gonna quote what i told them. Since this post, have replaced the Power Supply. I ordered a Corsair TX 850w V2. So a...
  9. Windows 7 New PC, 2 BSODs since yesterday seemingly caused by the GPU.

    Yesterday I built a new PC and I've already had two BSODs, one while playing Tribes and the other while simply sending an email. After the first BSOD I removed the beta driver I was using (with Driver Sweeper) and reinstalled the official driver and it seemed to fix some issues I was...