high cpu

  1. Windows 10 search indexer high CPU usage.

    About six months ago i updated my windows 10 to 1803. but after that, when ever i type two or more words on windows search the indexer takes all the cpu that even the music will stop playing until i stop typing. what is the problem causing this?
  2. W

    Windows 10 Why does disabling HDD timeout allegedly solve high CPU usage on "NT Kernel & System"?

    I never had the high Kernel & System CPU usage, but I saw this issue on a friend's computer. The process with PID 4 had a high CPU usage. But that issue solved itself. However, how is disabling HDD timeout (spin down after ** minutes) meant to solve the CPU usage issue? How is it related?
  3. Windows 10 Windows 10 High CPU/High Memory in WSUS following Update Tuesdays.

    Microsoft have recently identified issues with high cpu and high memory usage in certain Windows 10 builds (1703 isn't affected... Yet. ). Builds which are affected are: Windows 10 version's 1607, 1511, and 1507. Apparently this is down to recent updates which are named in the quote's below...
  4. Windows 7 Can we identify processes that causes High CPU usage?

    Hi, Currently we are facing an issue in NetBackup server(Windows8) . We found that there is a huge load on that server. Can we find out which process is using more utilization on netbackup server (Windows8). Please help me if you have the steps or commands for finding the process. Thanks
  5. Installing and searching for updates is slow and high CPU usage occurs in Windows 7 and...

    Continue reading...
  6. "Show Me Tips" Causing High CPU Utilization in Windows 10

    A bug in a useful Windows 10 feature is causing high CPU utilization. read more Continue reading...
  7. High CPU usage in Psxss.exe in Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2

  8. T

    Windows 7 High CPU causes computer to sleep

    Every time my computer is using high CPU (30%+ constantly), after about 5 minutes or so (the more CPU being used, the faster it does this) the fan on my computer will start going really fast and if I don't close the program that is using the CPU then my computer will go to sleep by itself. I...
  9. High CPU usage when you enable the High Precision Event Timer in the 32-bit version of Windows 7 SP1

  10. K

    Windows 7 BSOD, Computer idle causes a tick (lag every few seconds), Games freezing after 1-2 hours. High CPU

    Thanks to everyone in advance that stops to take a look. I'm posting now because I've literally tried everything I could do in order to fix this. BSOD info. Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional...
  11. Z

    Windows 7 Weird 100% CPU usage

    Hi there! As you will see, English is not my first language (by far :tongue:) Some days ago I noticed after a couple of minutes I start mi PC, my CPU usage goes to a constant 100% , so I checked for viruses and such but MSE gave me nothing and neither Malwarebytes. Here's the weird thing, I...
  12. J

    Windows Vista Dell vostro 1400 laptop..working too slow- idle mode its showing cpu utilisation around 50 perc

    Hi, I have dell vostro 1400... in idle mode its showing cpu utilisation around 50 perc and sometime it touches even 100perc.. why it is happening and what can be done to make it perform more better. please help!!1! i have also attached my laptop dxdiag file for better understandings....
  13. Windows 7 Windows Works Calandar

    Every once in a while I get a small dialog box pop up in the lower right hand corner of my screen that tells me there is a very high CPU usage with Microsoft Works Calandar. I know that program comes along with Windows 7. I never use this program. Why would that program be using a high CPU usage?
  14. G

    Windows 7 CPU usage 80%-100%

    heya folks another gamer in trouble here! So here's the problem : when idle, my cpu usage is around 20%, which is allot more than it should be in my opinion. Whenever I start a game, Battlefield : Bad Company 2 which is the game i've been playing allot lately, my cpu usage doesnt come down from...
  15. A

    Windows 7 Explorer.exe 30% CPU usage

    Hi, Lately I've been having a problem with explorer.exe using 30% or more of my processor. The problem seems to accrue after I close a full screen directx program(or at least I think). I've ran a virus scan using Trendmicro titanium and malwarebytes, but haven't found anything. My specs...
  16. D

    Windows 7 Another thread about high CPU usage

    Hi, I realise there are a million of these threads on here about CPU usage but I have checked several and they don't seem to fix my issue. Basically my CPU usage hits 100% a lot. Usually I am not doing much. Listening to Itunes and using firefox or vlc player. All of a sudden the sound becomes...
  17. M

    Windows 7 NDIS.SYS consuming 20+% CPU, going nuts trying to resolve this problem.

    I've been having this problem off and on since I installed W7 that my CPU is spiking during low network use (e.g. 2-3mbit/sec). My setup is W7 (32), Core 2 Quad Q6600 @ 2.4 ghz, Asus P5E-VMDO, 8gb memory. Network Adapter is an embedded Intel 82566DM-2 Gigabit. No other network adapters are...
  18. B

    Windows 7 svcHost is using 100% CPU - DcomLaunch / PlugAndPlay

    I just upgraded to Win7 from Vista. My CPU's are constantly 100% running svcHost.exe - DcomLaunch (PlugAndPlay?). Looked at various tips to no avail. Following tips did not help: Link Removed - Invalid URL DComLaunch and WmiPrvSE.exe, DComLaunch and WmiPrvSE.exe makes CPU running high - Vista...
  19. S

    Windows 7 svchost.exe + NTDLL.DLL Causing high CPU Usage

    Computer stats Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit Gigabyte Socket 775 Mobo Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 CPU Nvidia 8800GT 4 GB DDR2 Ram MSI TV Anywhere PCI TV Tuner Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS I have recently beginning with last Thursday been experiencing after a good 4-7 hours of the computer being on a massive spike...
  20. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 CPU Usage 100%?

    First off, I have a: Acer Aspire 5532 AMD Athlon Processor TF-20 1.60 GHz 3 GB RAM 64-bit Operating System Windows 7 Home Premium (When I purchased the laptop it already had Windows 7 installed) Now the problem is, the CPU usage is 100% the majority of the time. If I open anything such as...