
  1. VIDEO Waldo Caught On Tape! | Adult Language and Gratuitous Violence :P

  2. VIDEO Hawaiian Pidgin 101

  3. VIDEO Denis Leary - Cigarette Warnings | Adult language

  4. Windows 7 Language Bar Default Input

    I know how to change the default input language to Japanese, but is there any way I can change it to Japanese Hiragana characters instead of Roman characters? How do I do that?
  5. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 / Alienware Conflict, Please help :)

    Hi, so i have a very specific and somewhat ridiculous situation with my laptop. I have an Alienware M11x (wanted a very portable gaming laptop) which i got from a german company last christmas. It came with Windows 7 but in the german language. I got a bit impatient waiting to change it to an...
  6. D

    Windows 7 Custom Locale

    Hi there! I know it's kinda random to ask this question. Is anybody know what does it mean custom locale here? Control panel > Region and Language. And what is the usage? Thanks for your thought. :) Link Removed
  7. S

    Windows 7 Unable to change language on Welcome Screen to type my password

    I have my password on my Windows 7 laptop set as a Russian word, and my default language is English. Usually, when I am prompted for my password, there is a button I can click to choose the keyboard language, so I can type it in. However, I restarted my computer and the button has vanished. This...
  8. How to change your keyboard layout

    This article describes how to change keyboard layouts for the Microsoft keyboards listed in the "Applies To" section. You can configure your keyboard to use a different language or keyboard layout, such as Canadian Multilingual, Spanish, or United... More...
  9. M

    Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 8

    Some of these are new, others are the same keyboard shortcuts we've known for years. Note that "charms" refer to an element of the Metro interface Win + Spacebar : Switch the input language and keyboard layout Win + C : Open the Charms Win + D : Show the desktop Win + E : open Windows Explorer...
  10. VIDEO Lesson 3: How to speak in American, Learn English, Savio

  11. VIDEO Lesson 2: How to speak in American, Learn English, Savio

  12. J

    Windows 7 Windows Language as English UK and Keyboard as English US

    Hi All, Is it possible to have winodws 7 language to be English UK but the keyboard language to be US? I want to setup my windows 7 language to be English UK, but I want my keyboard language to be US. Everytime I try to set my win7 language to be UK, it also changes my keyboard to UK as well...
  13. VIDEO What American English sounds like to non-English speakers | :P

  14. N

    Windows 7 Croatian text-to-speech voice

    Where can I get a Croatian text-to-speech voice so that Microsoft Narrator can speak in Croatian?
  15. A

    Windows 7 My Language keeps changing

    Hello. I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I didn't want to start a new thread if this problem has already been discussed and someone has posted a solution. So, I did a search for "Language Toolbar", but was unable to find any solution. My problem is that my Language Toolbar...
  16. VIDEO Grammar Nazis

  17. VIDEO Downfall (NHS Reforms) | Strong Language and points of view :)

  18. VIDEO Our British Accents!!

  19. Problems with posting

    This started about an hour ago I think ... Smileys in posts and PMs have stopped working (click on a smiley and nothing happens) also language editor keeps changing the posts ... tried editing but it reverts back ? Ciara
  20. Know a Good Oxymoron?

    Got a good oxymoron? There are many when you think about it. Tell us one of your favorites. I'll start with the obvious one. JUMBO SHRIMP (not yelling)