
  1. M

    Windows 7 Since few days ago can't connect to home network

    Hello guys, Since two days ago I simply can't connect with my home wifi network, or the connection is lost after 20 minutes or so and from that time my home network doesn't even appear in the avaliable networks list... (Ethernet connection is working fine.) I have nothing changed in my laptop...
  2. Running "netsh exec" after "netsh interface dump" causes loss of interfaces.

    Link Removed
  3. I Got This Girl So Deep Within My Heart

    I got this girl so deep in my heart When I'm without her I feel So lost and so dark The Lord. Is bringing me. Stars and wonders rare My heart is breaking Lord That lady is so fair (chorus) When I am up among the stars When everything is right Let me be her guarding light Her friend till the end...
  4. A


    For some unknown reason, I have lost the sound from youtube videos. I run windows 7 ultimate and have tried to find a solution on google, but to no avail. Anyone know the solution as well as the reason the souind gets lost? Thanks
  5. Windows 7 USA Today, Infectd PCs may lose internet in July

    Found this little article in USA Today about your PC losing internet service this July. Link Removed
  6. D

    Windows 7 2 Networks...Intermittant Loss of Connectivity

    hello... just came over from XP Pro...had to get a 64-Bit machine; & went w/ an ASUS running Win7 Home...which I upgraded to Pro. I began to lose my internet connectivity, intermittantly...& noticed that, when it happened, the Network icon in the task bar showed TWO networks...(???)...
  7. 4800 Aussie sites evaporate after hack

    At least 4800 Australian websites have been lost with no chance of recovery following a break-in at Australian domain registrar and web host Distribute.IT. This is a massive breach. Sites are not recoverable...............some heads are going to roll. Read Full Story: 4800 Aussie sites...
  8. VIDEO We Will Be Killed By the State !

    TRUTH From a high school girl living in Minami-Soma City of Fukushima The most disastrous earthquake on record hit northern Japan Harsh natural threats have suddenly stripped off our daily life However, It was not the end of disaster Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant It became...
  9. BP gears up to halt oil spill confirmed 'world's worst'

    The US government has said the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is the biggest accidental oil leak ever, as BP prepares its "static kill" operation to permanently seal its well. A new government estimate suggests BP's Macondo well leaked 4.9m barrels of oil before being capped last month...
  10. C

    Windows 7 Win 7, Can't get internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hi, I'm hoping that someone can help me, I've looked everywhere for a fix and can't get connected to the internet! I have installed a fresh copy of Win 7 x64 (6.1.7600) on a formatted hard drive. That's it!! nothing else. I can connect to my network, says i'm connected. can ping my router and...
  11. Windows 7 Bizaar wireless reception

    Laptop....Compaq presario C700 Notebook....intel pentium dual core T2370 @ 1.73 GHz.....2.5 gigs pc 5400 RAM, Win 7 v 7100. Receiving wild fluctuations in the reception of the wireless network. This is happening only to this notebook, and everything simple has been tryed (reboot cable modem...
  12. D

    Windows 7 Lost Partition after sharing it

    Hello, I shared a partition in 7 to access some files from my laptop and now today it's as if the partition was never formated, coincidence?? Its on the same drive that I installed 7 on, actually it's one of 3 partitions on that drive. Only wish that it didn't happen to a partition that had...
  13. G

    Windows Vista Internet loss bug in every build since 7022

    There has been a persistent bug in every Win7 build starting with 7022 where it will drop the internet. It defies troubleshooting, hangs upon restart requiring hard shutdown, then resets upon start up. There are other internet loss bugs but this one is widely reported in every build including...
  14. G

    Windows Vista URGENT!! I Need help!

    I am losing disk space severly, and not even downloading!!! I sometimes lose up to 3 GB's a day. this is a HUGE problem...and I need a solution PLEASE!!!:confused: