
  1. P

    Windows 7 Why is separate 100 MB system bootmanager partition not always necessary?

    As far as I know Win7 introduces a new Bootmanager system. At old WinXP times the bootmanager was put into the first bootable partition on the first hard disc. This partition could contain the actual Windows XP itself in addition. From Win7 times on Bootmanager should be installed in a...
  2. News

    How to dual-boot Linux Mint 10 and Windows 7 "This is the latest in a series of tutorials that has been published on this site on how to dual-boot Windows 7 and Linux distributions." Link Removed
  3. P

    Windows 7 Special Win7 multi-boot config.

    Greetings, Many weeks ago I built a new desktop system around an Intel Clarkdale i5-650 and Asus motherboard. Installed a newly licensed copy of Win7-64 Home Premium OEM. After weeks of installing programs, configuring, etc, I find that Win7 is not the system on which I choose to place primary...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Multi-boot license question

    I'm still trying to get used to my new Win7 desktop system. I've found many, many surprises in what MS has/has-not engineered into the product. In the past I've run weekly full-image backups of pre-Vista Windows systems by booting one partition of a multi-boot system to backup another...
  5. theoldmancunian

    Windows 7 Boot screen: ever increasing options

    I don't know whether this is the right place to ask this question but here goes: I've installed Windows 7 Ultimate on a notebook which previously ran Vista. No problems there ..... I've now installed Ubuntu (now updated to 10.04) so that it can boot to either OS. It all works fine and when I...
  6. T

    Windows 7 adding vista to new boot loader

    I screwed up my boot loader so i installed windows 7 and i can log in and everything. I was wondering if it would be possible to add my windows vista partition to the boot loader with my windows 7. The windows vista doesen't seem to show up on anything including easyBCD.
  7. A

    Windows 7 Dual boot system with multiple hard drives

    Hi, The issue I am dealing with is: I started off running XP but decided to try windows 7. So I installed it on another hard drive (while running XP, thus forming a dual boot system) after testing out windows 7 I want to switch to just that (but Windows 7 hard drive cannot boot without the XP...
  8. T

    Windows 7 Yes or No with installment ?

    Hi ... I have 4 hard drives install on my computer , what I have done is basically installed windows 2000, xp and 7 on separate hard drives , each windows was done on itself without any other hard drive install . So basically one hard drive listed in the bios for each windows , yes I know I have...
  9. 2

    Windows 7 Repair boot manager

    What a mess, did a XP install on my 350 GB drive, then win 7 install on my 1TB drive, everything was working fine could boot to either XP or win 7 at boot screen. Then I decided to setup up 0 raid with 2 TB drives for win 7, that worked fine, but have to change boot drives in bios to work...
  10. T

    Windows 7 Move bootloader to another disk

    Hi, I recently installed Windows 7 home premium 64-bits. I upgraded it from a Windows vista business 32-bits. That was not trivial, but it worked fine. Problems came when a driver "classpnp.sys" made the system halt. Repair programs did not work until I copied another file over the driver and a...
  11. PoohJoon

    Windows Vista cannot enable built-in Administrator account

    Hello, Firstly, I am fairly technologically apt, but am certainly worlds away from being well versed in IT. I run Vista Ultimate on a Dell laptop, and I have been unable to edit or remove any of the multiple user accounts I no longer need. I will also mention that the laptop has 2 drives, C...
  12. S

    Windows 7 Upgrade or Full Version of Win 7 Ultimate

    I have a multi-boot system w/ Windows XP-64, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.3, and developers copy of Win 7 Ultimate provided by Microsoft for testing. It is a full version, but will go inactive soon. I've installed Windows 7 in a 300Gb partition but want to purchase the correct copy Upgrade or...
  13. Commander_Cool

    Windows 7 Dual boot Windows 7/XP

    Hello good buddies, I am running Windows 7 (RC1 for the time being - I understand it expires sometime in March of 2010) and love it. Easily the best Windows version yet. However, for several reasons I would like to be able to boot into XP on occasion. I have created a D: partition the in the C...
  14. T

    VIDEO Backup

    Windows 7 System Image Windows 7 has a feature called "System Image" to backup and recover the entire system. The image is compressed. You need a separate partition on your hard drive or a secondary hard drive. Windows 7 System Image does NOT create a bootable drive... nor does it include...
  15. S

    Windows 7 BOOTMGR Missing

    Ok long story. I have 2 hard drives. HArd drive #1 has windows 7 RC1 installed, and #2 is storage. I got a copy of windows 7 pro and decided to install that and move over since RC1 will eventually vanish. I installed everything new and moved over music and everything to the #2 hard drive...
  16. A

    Windows 7 Dual Booting Vista Ultimate and Windows 7 Pro

    Okay, i have two hard drives in my computer and one has Vista on it and now the other has Win7. Everything in Win7 is working great but i cannot boot up Vista off the other drive anymore, there is no option. I have tried to go into advanced system properties and see if i change the default OS...
  17. A

    Windows 7 Black screen, unsuccessful installation

    I am having real trouble installing windows 7 I have tried a clean install about 5 times and it fails at the end of installation after it's starting services. There is just a black screen with a flashing cursor at the top left of the screen. Last night I left it to see if it was taking a...
  18. T

    Windows 7 Dual Boot Problem w/ Win7 & Multiple HDs

    I've spent quite a few days trying to install Win 7 in a dual boot enviroment with an existing Vista operating system. Vista came pre-installed on a large SATA HD that I reconfigured into 2 partitions (Vista on the 1st). Unfortunately, the OEM cabled the drive to one of the middle sequenced of 6...
  19. C

    Windows 7 dual boot issues

    My DB is xp/win 7 and I have had this thing dual booted for a while..mostly successful. There has been however one really annoying problem. Windows 7 recognizies areas of the xp boot disc. Is there some way to get win7 to stop recognizing the xp boot disc partition so that there is no crossing...
  20. E

    Windows 7 Useful Boot Tool

    For those testing XP and different versions of Win7, this is a useful tool: Easy BCD 1.7.2 Download EasyBCD 1.7.2 - NeoSmart Technologies The iReboot option is pretty slick. Ed