network drive

  1. L

    Windows 7 Mapping a network drive in Win7 RC

    I have trouble mapping a network drive in RC. I didnt't have a problem mapping it in the old beta, but with the new RC I get the error message 'wrong user name and password' (I 'm 100% sure the username and pass is correct). It is a network drive on my university and I connect by using a domain...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Can't add network drive to library

    Hey, in the Win7 beta I could add a network drive (on a samba file server) to the Music library. But the Win7 RC gives an error message when I try that: This network location can't be included because it's not indexed It also won't add or index mapped network drives; including my home...
  3. E

    Windows Vista Vista Home Premium + Snap Server + File Permissions

    We have a pc running Vista Home Premium and have successfully mapped a drive to our Snap Server 1100. However, when the use puts files on the Snap Server is the shared folder, he is no longer able to access them - message received is: "(filename) cannot be accessed. The file may be read only...
  4. Basher

    Windows 7 WD WorldBook Net drive does not show in Networks

    Hi Chaps, I have just upgraded from vista ultimate to Win7 and all seems well accept that my Western Digital Net drive doesn't show in the network window. I can map it using the ip address but otherwise no show :mad: Can any shine a little light on what might be the problem please. :D...
  5. J

    Windows 7 Networking - Sharing Changes in W7 7022 32 Bit

    Hi Guys This is for Build 7200 only. It might change before the final (or even in the next build which is out but not yet available from "the usual sources". This is also for sharing VISTA<=======>W7 or W7<=========>W7 See bottom of the post for XP computers in the network. The Networking...
  6. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 and Unix network drives?

    Is anyone else having trouble connecting windows 7 to a unix or osx network drive. Just to let you know i have an OSX server 10.5 with a Xraid in my office. the osx server serves up the xraid to my windows machines via the smb service. I have about 10 xp machines and a few vista machines that...
  7. D

    Windows Vista Vista network sees partition but folder empty

    I have a NAS, which is a Seagate Free Agent drive attached by USB to a Linksys WRT350N router. Linksys tech support got me to the point where the partitions on the drive are visible to the network ( in Local security policy under Network security:LAN manager authentication level I set it to use...
  8. J

    Windows Vista Network Drive Mapping

    I am using Vista Home Basic. I mapped the network sharing folder into the drive, like H:. I also defined the different user name and password and checked "Reconnect at logon" option. But next time when I reboot the system, the mapping changed to "disconnedted" with X-mark and I double-click it...
  9. P

    Windows Vista How to schedule a task on Shutdown

    I would like to schedule a task to run whenever shutting down. I see a trigger called, 'On local disconnect from any user session', but so far a task based on this trigger has not executed on shutwon. I want the task to dismount a network drive. I have been told that data on the drive may become...