network drive

  1. jeryslo

    Windows 7 Cannot delete folders on a network drive from Windows 7

    Hello! I have a really strange problem. I am using Windows 7 Professional with SP1 installed. I have a My Book 500GB external hard drive connected to the network via Linksys E3000. Now in Windows 7 I am logged in as Admin. The network disk is configured in Linksys, that an admin group can r&w...
  2. G

    Windows 7 Problem connecting to network drive by server name, but by IP address works

    We recently migrated our users from one domain to another. After the migration, 2 users are having problems connecting to their home directories on the network. They get an access denied error message if they try to connect using Link Removed but it works fine if they connect using Link...
  3. M

    Windows 7 Documents fils moveed to a network drive

    In Vista and XP you can you can move your documents that are local and stored to a new target location on a server drive, But Windows 7 talks about about the folders are not index. All I need to do is allow all user to store documents on a network drive so they can used all computer on the...
  4. D

    Windows 7 Unable to access/edit LAN Hard Drive Folder

    SYSTEM DESCRIPTION: Linksys/T-Mobile Hot Spot (wireless) ROUTER with Ethernet connections to 1) Home Phone, 2) iMAC PowerPC/OS X Leopard, 3) PC/Windows 7 32bit and 4) IOMEGA HOME MEDIA NETWORK HARD DRIVE (herein "NHD"). PERTINENT SYSTEM STATUS: The NHD contains 1) a "BACKUPS" folder with...
  5. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 XP wirelss connection problems

    Windows 7 XP wirelss connection problems [SOLVED - sort of] I have a 3 PC network (no WEP or WPA security) attached to a Thomson 760W wireless router with the latest Firmware ( 2 PCs (Angua and Carrot - dont ask!!) run XP SP3 (all latest updates); 1 PC runs Windows 7 Ultimate (all...
  6. T

    Windows 7 Explorer hangs when I select a file to delete...

    Greetings, I tried to copy a file from a failing network drive to another nework drive, and the copy failed midway. Now when I right click on the destination file to attempt to delete it, explorer hangs. If I left click and press the "del" key, explorer hangs as well, and if I go to the...
  7. L

    The specified network password is not correct: while connecting windows server 2003

    Hi, Could anyone enlighten me : My lap top with windows 7 professional 32bit has been accessing on the authorized folders in Windows server 2003 for a few months. once in a blue moon, it could not be accessed. I disconnected the network drive, and did the map net work drive again. It...
  8. T

    Windows 7 Folder turned into a 0KB file?

    Hi, On my FreeAgent 250GB Hard Drive, set up as a network hard drive, I have a folder with 60+GB of movies (avi. mp4. etc) and all of a sudden in turned into a 0KB file. I would really like to fix this, anyone got some ideas? Link Removed
  9. K

    Windows 7 Mapping/Sharing problems in Windows 7

    Hi there. I was previously running Windows Vista and have recently upgraded to Windows 7. Previously I mapped a network drive wirelessly to a network media player with a hard drive, and shared video/music wirelessly with my Playstation 3. Immediately following the upgrade, everything was still...
  10. Fallen

    Windows server 2008 Logon Script

    Hello everyone! I installed Windows server 2008 in Virtual Machine and i got Xp client aswell. Problem is that when i log in to server with my client username i can't get network drive for him using logon script. If someone have time to tell me how i can get it working That would make my...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Can't access a network drive - you do not permission to access

    I have two Window 7 peers hard wired thru an SMC. I'm not using homegroups. I can see the public shares on Peer 1 from Peer 2 and similarly I can see the public shares on Peer 2 from Peer 1. However I can't see drives (my storage drives) on Peer 1 from Peer 2. The opposite is also true. Get...
  12. K

    Windows 7 Robocopy stop creating destination folder

    Hey guys I am using robocopy in windows 7 to upgrade users computers. I have it setup to pull users personal documents and such of the old laptop to the new win7 laptop. I do this through the network by setting the old laptops c drive as a network drive z. i use this for robocopy to...
  13. I

    Windows 7 Unalbe to map network drive from Windows 7 PC to Windows 2008 Server (both in WORKGROUP)

    I'm running 64Bit Windows 7 Ultimate using IPv4 and want to map a network drive to my Windows 2008 server. I've tried both mapping to the "default admin shares" i.e. C$, D$ as well as creating my own shares with full access rights to the "administrators group" to which I belong. However...
  14. D

    Windows 7 Weird problem conerning online personal folder

    Hi everyone, I have a weird problem, made a lot of research on the internet without any conclusive solution so i hope anyone could help me. Here is the problem: People in my school have their my documents linked to the map drive F: which is on a data server. For example, When the code...
  15. P

    Windows 7 Mapped Drive problem

    A User stores their "My documents" on a NAS unit I have a mapped a drive through to My Documents ok however after each reboot the Mapped Drive is not connected & the Username & password must be entered in the connection window, a connection is then established ok I have checked "Save...
  16. G

    Windows 7 Mysterious 'ghost' drive that doesn't exist, how to get rid of it?

    Hi everyone, I recently installed the Office 2010 trial and it insisted it wanted to be installed in drive Q: (a networked drive) but it had no writing privileges. The only way to coax the installer into installing was to remove Q: from the list of connected drives. After the installation, I...
  17. P

    Windows 7 How to create a link/shortcut from network/mounted drive to START menu?

    Normally I can create shortcuts in START menu to a file on local harddrives without any problem. However when I want to do this with a file on a volume/network drive which is later (after bootup) mounted then this is NOT possible. When I drag a file e.g. from WinExplorer...
  18. leonardobsjr

    Windows 7 Network Drive problem

    Guys, i have a strange problem in my hands. The problem isn't mapping a network drive. I've successfully mapped and it was working great, until i discovered a stupid but irritating issue: Let's say that i've mapped my folder to the letter E:\ from a local called \\COMPUTER01\DATA, for example...
  19. A

    Windows 7 Cannot disconnect network drive??? Please help

    I have a rather annoying problem in that I installed my network printer, a HP C5180. Once I had finished the installation I noticed that the drive monitor Gadget had dissapeared from my sidebar and in it's place a HP printer monitor one had appeared. I removed the printer gadget and tried to...
  20. S

    Windows 7 Odd file sharing problem - now you see it... now you don't

    Hello to all. This is my first post and mainly the reason for joining, but hopefully not the one for staying in this forum - it appears to be full of rich information. My problem is as follows: I have a hard wired home network setup "joined" by a Linksys router. My main Desktop runs W7 Ultimate...