
  1. B

    Windows 7 How do I turn notifications on?

    I suppose this should be directed at the gmail or chrome community but I can't seem to get any help there. I use Chrome and if I go into gmail/ settings it gives me the option to turn on or off (or favourites only) the desktop notifications, i.e. tell me when an e-mail comes in. I go down to...
  2. L

    Windows 10 Pop ups.

    Hiw can i stop pop up boxes if i dont know password?
  3. News

    Identity, Registration and Activation of Non-packaged Win32 Apps

    Many new and sought-after Windows APIs and features such as BackgroundTasks, Notifications, LiveTiles, Share and more, are either not available or not easily callable from non-packaged Win32 applications. This is due to the programming model for UWP APIs that integrate with the system and have a...
  4. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18999

    Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18999 (20H1) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. IMPORTANT: As is normal with pre-release builds, these builds may contain bugs that might be painful for some. If you take this flight, you won’t be able to switch...
  5. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18995

    Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18995 (20H1) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. IMPORTANT: As is normal with pre-release builds, these builds may contain bugs that might be painful for some. If you take this flight, you won’t be able to switch...
  6. P

    Windows 10 How to prevent popup "Threats found" from Defender? Partial (!) disabling

    Sometimes when I copy large directory trees a popup from Windows Defender appears in the lower right corner telling me: Virus & threat protection Threats found Windows Defender Antivirus found treats. Get Details A bell rings and the copy operation of this file is aborted. How can I limit the...
  7. N

    Windows 10 Which app is trying to access my mic?

    Hi all, Recently I installed a clean copy of Windows 10 pro on my laptop. After I finished updating windows, I installed only the Lenovo update software, an external FW and a few popular tools which have been downloaded from trustworthy websites. However, while I was downloading (or...
  8. M

    Windows 8 New Notifications.

    I keep getting these notification in the notification pop-up. It tells me to click on the notification to upgrade or what ever. Every time I click on it nothing happens it just goes away. Am I doing something wrong. I there something else I should have done. Right now I keep getting the...
  9. Neemobeer

    Windows 10 Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcut List

    Thought I'd put together a list of keyboard shortcuts available in Windows 10. This is by no means a complete list, and feel free to PM me with any contributions. will be used to denote the Windows Key Two Key Shortcuts + Q : Opens up the search pane +W : Opens the Windows Ink workspace...
  10. V

    What happens to logins if you use expired e-mail?

    What happens to logins if you use expired e-mail (for a forum or website for example)? I suppose a user would not be able to receive e-mail. But does a website even "care" that the e-mail address is expired? Will logins still work for the user?
  11. Rapaaja

    WIN 10 usb proplems

    Hi different person asked me : I have had a problem with my computer USB devices for quite some time. I have changed the computer up to the motherboard because of it, but it helped. USB- or a mouse, the keyboard and the PS4 controller there is nothing wrong with that because they function...
  12. R

    Windows 10 Unsubscribe Or Just Ignore

    Hello, I am getting my share of emails from those wanting to sell me a product or service. Is there a way to stop it? If I click on unsubscribe, it seems I get more of these solicitations. I certainly would like to know who is responsible for giving out my email address.
  13. V

    Windows 10 Icons changed

    Which app adds two blue arrows to some, but not all, icons? I am not aware that I have installed something new.
  14. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18277

    Happy Diwali for the Indian Windows Insiders who are celebrating! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18277 (19H1) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. REMINDER: As is normal with builds early in the development cycle, builds may contain bugs that might be painful for...
  15. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18234

    Hello Windows Insiders! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 18234 (19H1) to Windows Insiders who have opted in to Skip Ahead. What’s new in Build 18234 Microsoft To-Do gets ink support! Capture and complete your tasks naturally with Ink! We’ve added support for...
  16. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 10 How do I stop Microsoft Edge from loading in the background someplace?

    Hi When I run CCleaner I always get the message, "Microsoft Edge needs to close to complete this process", as far as I know Microsoft Edge isn't open, I never use it. While we are on the subject I have a similar problem with Mail, I don't use it but it keeps receiving my mail at least on one...
  17. ragnarok1968

    Linux Google Chrome 69 with material changes Windows version too! source Chrome 69, the latest upcoming iteration of Google's browser on the stable channel, will finally roll out a major design refresh that has been in testing for several months now. The most prominent change one can see is with the tab bar - all tabs have been rounded off and...
  18. News

    Announcing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17730

    Hello Windows Insiders! Today, we are releasing Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17730 (RS5) to Windows Insiders in the Fast ring. REMINDER: Our second RS5 Bug Bash continues to run through to August 5th, 2018. Keep doing all the Quests! What’s new in Build 17730 Your Phone app is now LIVE...
  19. M

    Windows 7 tasklist CMD

    I would like to know is it possible to make a cmd program in #C to monitor windows processes? CMD Starts and automatically sends tasklist command every 10 seconds. If new process starts during that 10 seconds it opens TXT or another CMD windows to inform me that process name and location...
  20. News

    Microsoft gives parents peace of mind with new family features across devices

    We live in a time of both great opportunity and great responsibility. Our children have access to more information, entertainment and more ways to connect than ever before, but with that comes plenty of new things that parents like you and I need to worry about and new ways to distract their...