
  1. stgarf

    Windows 7 Frequent BSOD

    Hey Guys, I'm having trouble with a fresh install of Windows 7 32-bit on this pc. Here is the synopsis from BlueScreenViewer and attached are my minidump files. ================================================== Dump File : 070510-13343-01.dmp Crash Time : 7/5/2010 7:12:55 PM Bug...
  2. D

    Windows 7 Bsod

    I started getting BSOD a couple of weeks ago while my kids were playing jumpstart.com. It now comes randomly and always after the computer has been running for a while. I have Avast antivirus, AMD Athlon 64 processor 3500+ 2.21 GHZ and 3.0 ram but I don't know the make. The computer is home...
  3. M

    Windows 7 crash dump

    Hi I got a new sony vaio but since a few days it crashes randomly for no obvious reason. The minidump file say this is most likely caused by ntoskrnl.exe. I done a memory test but no errors were detected. Minidump file is attached. Any help will be appreciated
  4. P

    Windows 7 Recent Windows 7 BSODs

    Recently I've been getting a STOP 0x0000001E KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Error Message and have no idea how to diagnose it or what to look for. Also, My computer has started to shut down completely without even displaying a STOP Error Message and during start up it gets stuck on the black...
  5. K

    Windows 7 BSOD errors on new machine

    Hello, I have a brand new machine, built from new parts ordered on tiger direct. Ever since I have had the machine I've had bsod's, I have Done a clean install, and same things occuring again. The last 3 bsod's are from WhoCrashed listed as: This was likely caused by the following module...
  6. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Heck :-(

    First of all Hello to everyone this is my first ever forum post so please bear with me. I have managed to obtain through College a copy of Windows 7 x64 for £5.00 to replace Vista 64 Ultimate which has performed absolutely solidly over the past 6 months. Now for the bad news Windows 7 BSOD,s...
  7. O

    Windows 7 Black screen last stage of install

    I have been trying to get a friends computer running reliably off and on for over a month. The issue is an incompatability between vista, the mother board and video card. I did find a work around but it left the machine hamstrung. I had hopes a clean install of windows 7 would resolve the issue...