
  1. P

    Windows 7 ntoskrnl.exe and igdkmd32.sys BSOD

    Hi, I've got so frequent BSOD recently and when I check the minidump, I discovered it caused by ntoskrnl.exe and igdkmd32.sys. I'm using windows 7 professional x32. Here my minidump file: Link Removed due to 404 Error Anyone, please help me. Thank you.
  2. T

    Windows 7 [BSOD] Hola muy buenas, soy nuevo aquí

    Hola muy buenas, soy nuevo aquí, y escribo para comentar un problema que me trae varios quebraderos de cabeza. A grosso modo, cuando estoy jugando ya sea a counter strike, call of duty o cualquier juego, al rato me sale la famosa pantalla azul de la muerte reiniciándose el pc, arriba me pone...
  3. P

    Windows 7 BSOD 0x00000124 and ntoskrnl.exe+4a587c

    Recently rebuilt my PC and everything seemed to be working fine then on May 3rd I started experiencing these BSOD with the same error everytime. It sometimes happens randomly while surfing but I've actually got it to do it by running graphic's intensive things like a computer game and a GPU...
  4. Glenn Angel

    Windows 7 BSOD on own built PC, after 1 month use

    Hey pplz, im getting a driver_power_failure (or somthing) BSOD.. it goes off screen too fast! Ive had it twice in 8 days. Both occured on a Sunday at 7:36 (about 2 seconds.. and one week apart!) I checked this with BLUESCREENVIEW which pointed to ntoskrnl.exe but i understand that that is not...
  5. J

    Windows 7 BSOD's every few hours - ntosskrnl.exe

    For the past month of so, I've been getting frequent BSOD's all marked with the failing driver ntoskrnl.exe. Previously, they would only occur every few days, now it's gotten to the point where it's literally every few hours. The bluescreens seem to have started when I upgraded from Windows 7 32...
  6. E

    Windows 7 BSOD - IRQL not equal or less - tcpip.sys

    Hi all, am at my wit's end!! Have not installed any hardware of late and just started bluescreening every couple of minutes yesterday. DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL & And driver further down page is the tcpip.sys file Tried to install windows debugging tool to read dump file -...
  7. V

    Windows 7 New Computer, random BSOD

    Link RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedLink RemovedHi Guys, I recently built a new computer (put it together myself) and I am having trouble with random BSOD's. I thought I had fixed the issue but it seems to be repeating. System Specs: Windows 7 64bit CPU: Core I5 2500k (not overclocked)...
  8. B

    Windows 7 BSOD Please help

    Okay so my computer stays on for about 4-6 hours and always blue screens sometime between that period no matter what I do. I'm able to play games on it fine and they don't cause it to crash. Time is what seems to make it crash. I have two fans in my case and three if you include fan on...
  9. H

    Windows 7 Need help with random BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe

    Hey Guys.... for the past couple days i've been experiencing some strange issues with my new laptop. to be clear, it's actually a mid 2010 Macbook Pro 15.4" that i bought to use exclusively as a PC laptop. long story short, i got fed up with low quality built PC laptops and wanted something...
  10. P

    Windows 7 Irql not less or equal problem

    Hy, i am getting sth. like stop:sth. like 0xnumbers Link Removed due to 404 Error Can You please help me? Thank you in advance EDIT: i saw the problem si in fltmgr.sys fltmgr.sys+5fbc and ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+1cb7a what could that be? here are my 6 minidumps :D
  11. S

    Windows 7 BSOD can you help me ?

    Since i have bought this ACER desktop i have had several crashes. The helpdesk of ACER only sent documentation how to restore a complete Windows7. With the program WhoCrashed.exe I found two possible problem files: hall.dll and ntoskrnl.exe. Following the last file I found this site for help...
  12. LordStig

    Windows 7 BSOD Win 7 Professional (64-Bit) - ntoskrnl.exe

    Hello all- I am currently experiencing an issue where my computer will upon booting up, prior to the login screen, will display a blue screen error. I have attached the .dmp files, along with the CPU-Z screenshots and RAMMon file. I have tried to reinstall windows, but that has not solved the...
  13. M

    Windows 7 BSOD on Windows 7 x64 and Windows XP x32 - need help

    Hello people, I'm getting BSOD randomly. I have tried different versions of Windows, including Windows XP, Windows Vista and of course Windows 7. All of them have caused BSOD, even after clean install. I'm not expert in this field, but most of them have reported ntsokrnl.exe or something...
  14. P

    Windows 7 Please Help. This is driving me crazy :(

    I have googled after googling after more googling to try and solve these BSOD's. I have done a fresh install of Windows twice and still get them :( I have solved the ATI one i was getting as it was one of my graphics cards, how ever i cant sort these ones. One I get alot it is to do with...
  15. L

    Windows 7 Help please major BSOD problem

    Hi guys, getting BSOD at all kinds of times, tried many things but to no avail, here are the dump files on bluescreen event viewer Dump File : 022011-91853-01.dmp Crash Time : 20/02/2011 21:45:33 Bug Check String : KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Bug Check Code : 0x1000008e...
  16. E

    Windows 7 I hate the blue screen of death

    sooooo.... i hate the blue screen... I took my comp to best buy, and after a week, they restored it to factory condition. It went away for a while, but then it came back! It accomplished nothing! I'm a pc gamer, and I only have my computer to play games with (go steam! woot!) but the bsod...
  17. S

    Windows 7 Infrequent BSOD's - suspect browser-related issue, not sure

    It's hard to reproduce. It seems I get a BSOD randomly when doing something in a browser. I switch between Chrome and Firefox mainly. At first I suspected Flash, and even recently updated it to the latest 10.2 (for Firefox, since Chrome automatically updated itself). But today I got a BSOD...
  18. F

    Windows 7 Problem Event Name: BlueScreen____OS Version: 6.1.7600.

    HI! I have problems whit my OS. I made a new installation of win 7 64bit and again same problem. After 4-5 hours not working when i start comp i always get blue screen msg. HELPPP Problem signature: Problem Event Name: BlueScreen OS Version: 6.1.7600.
  19. O

    Windows 7 Random BSOD MEMORY MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a and others

    Hi, I build this system in October and since then I've had this BSOD MEMORY_MANAGEMENT 0x0000001a Caused by driver: ntoskrnl.exe Please someone help me. I already try checking the ram sticks for errors and there is nothing. Here are all the dumps: Link Removed - Invalid URL...
  20. scruffy1

    Windows 7 ntoskrnl bluescreens

    hi i'm new to the forum, and seeking some assistance that other sources have failed to provide thus far - i'm far from a noob, and a keen overclocker, but only had win 7 up for several months, and this is a relatively recent issue without any new hardware changes, or setting adjustments apart...