on screen keyboard

  1. Windows 10 On Screen Keyboard Text Prediction doesn't work

    Why is that most of the time the text prediction doesn't show in On Screen Keyboard even though it's activated in options? I'm running Windows 10 64 bit version 1903
  2. Windows 10 **Solved***Neither laptop keyboard nor on screen keyboard won’t type letters...

    My Laptop updated windows last night and since then, I cannot type any letters. Numbers and everything else work fine. Since the on-screen keyboard won’t even work I can’t sign in to windows to try and see what the issue is. Anyone else having this problem? Can someone smarter than I am help me...
  3. Windows 10 Thwarting Key Loggers

    Hi, guys. I'm wondering if by using the on screen keyboard I can avoid key loggers. I've been using OSK for typing passwords when accessing my banking sites and so far all has been OK. I just want expert opinion. Thanks. BTW, I also use a VPN.
  4. Windows 10 On Screen Keyboard, hard to close

    I like to use the on screen keyboard (OSK) when accessing my financial sites. The OSK itself works fine, but the problem is it won't close. When I click on the "Fade" key the OSK disappears below the screen but as soon as I attempt to do anything on the computer it pops right back. The only way...
  5. How Do I Close the on screen keyboard?

    I like to use the on screen keyboard (OSK) when typing passwords into my banking sites in order to thwart keyloggers. The problem I'm having is closing the program. If I click on the "fade" key on the OSK, the keyb oard will disappear below the screen. However, if I attempt anything else on the...
  6. P

    Windows 7 keyboard not working

    My laptop keyboard's letters and numbers are not working, but the function keys are. I am currently using the on screen keyboard. for some reason the keyboard works when i enter my password but after that it doesn't respond. If you were to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.
  7. I

    Windows 7 Windows 7: Keyboard won't work at login, but works in BIOS.

    I have seen this issue on the forum before, but I have yet to find a solution. Hope I'm a lucky one. I turned on the computer this evening and it gave me the "Windows was not Shut Down Properly" message followed by the options to start in Safe Mode, or Start Normally. I started it up...
  8. P

    Windows 7 OSK during OOBE

    In constructing images for an industrial touch screen PC, I have noticed that the OSK (On Screen Keyboard) shows up during the OOBE (Out of Box Experience) on the English image, and the German Image. I specifically enabled this for the logon screen and was surprised to see it during the OOBE...
  9. F

    Windows Vista On screen keyboard Issue

    My wife turned the on screen keyboard on by accident. She is running Vista SP 1 on a Dell desktop. In researching this issue I found one incident that was posted in 2007. I followed the steps listed in that discussion forum. I followed the steps even though the screen displays were slightly...