Target machine is XP home, and I am trying to access it from a Windows 8 machine. Both are wireless, and are in the same workgroup.
I get the "Remote Desktop can't connect" message using either the computer name or the current IP address
I can ping the address
RDC is enabled on target
access issues
computer name
error message
home network
ip address
network settings
port 3389
remote assistance
windows 8
windows xp
wireless connection
This morning when I tried to use my system, I saw that it had rebooted overnight - probably after an automatic update. But I could not login anymore.
USB Keyboard Issues:
* The keyboard stops responding as soon as I see the boot animation
* unplugging and plugging it back in does not help...
boot issues
command prompt
error messages
login issues
onscreen keyboard
safe mode
system restore
usb keyboard
user profile service
windows update
I am interested in turning my PC to a remote machine (like a dedicated/rootserver) but to be able to start up and shut down my PC w/e I want remotely. Also I would like not to change my OS (windows) in order to achieve that, if it's possible of course. The whole thing has to do with my...
This is a subject that I have shied away from, until now, partly because I felt that it was over my head and because it seemed that it would open security doors better left shut and locked. However I'm interested in using something to obtain control of a remote desktop in my home network...
In my searching today across the vast InterWeb I found this and thought I would pass it along.
Link Removed
Tested it with a friend in England and it seem to work fine across the pond. So I would be interested in any comments with respect to how it compares in your opinion with other services...
Revision Note: V1.0 (August 13, 2013): Advisory published.
Summary: Microsoft is announcing the availability of updates as part of ongoing efforts to improve Network-level Authentication in the Remote Desktop Protocol. Microsoft will continue to announce additional updates via this advisory, all...
Severity Rating: Critical
Revision Note: V1.3 (July 9, 2013): Bulletin revised to announce a detection change in the Windows Vista packages for the 2685939 update to correct a Windows Update reoffering issue. This is a detection change only. Customers who have already successfully updated their...
We examine a vast number of remote desktop solutions, remote support utilities, and remote desktop connection software to allow for remote access from nearly anywhere in the world. We evaluate these tools to determine their overall value, usefulness, and ability to be used realistically in both...
I have been offering basic computer support for a friend of mine who is moving out of state. In order to continue support I have been looking into Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance with Easy Connect. We will both be running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. At this point I am confused as to which...
Not sure where to post this thread, sorry if in wrong spot.
Out of curiosity, was wondering if there is a way to remotely connect to my Dad's computer to help him work through issues (getting rid of old programs and cleaning and so on).
I have Win 7 on our laptop - he has Windows XP.
Is that...
Severity Rating: Critical
Revision Note: V2.0 (June 25, 2013): Revised bulletin to rerelease the 2813347 update for Remote Desktop Connection 7.0 Client on Windows XP Service Pack 3. Microsoft recommends that customers running the affected software apply the rereleased security...
Today we’re publishing the Link Removed. We fielded nine questions during the webcast, with almost half of those focused on the Remote Desktop Client bulletin (MS13-024). One question that was not answered on air has been included on the Q&A page.
We invite our customers to join us for...
Original release date: April 10, 2013
Systems Affected
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Remote Desktop Client
Microsoft Antimalware Client
Microsoft Sharepoint
Overview Select Microsoft software products contain multiple vulnerabilities. Microsoft has released updates to address these...
Severity Rating: Critical
Revision Note: V1.0 (April 9, 2013): Bulletin published.
Summary: This security update resolves a privately reported vulnerability in Windows Remote Desktop Client. The vulnerability could allow remote code execution if a user views a specially...
I tried posting this in another section but got no respnses, so hopefully somewhere here can help with it.
I am accessing a remote computer through regular remote desktop. I have admin rights and all that good stuff and can schedule tasks. The problem that I'm having is when I select the option...
admin rights
computer management
run whether logged on
scheduled tasks
task execution
task scheduler
user permissions
windows 7
I am accessing a remote computer through regular remote desktop. I have admin rights and all that good stuff and can schedule tasks. The problem that I'm having is when I select the option to "Run whether user is logged on or not" it does not work. It shows in the status as "Running". Even if I...
admin rights
remote access
scheduled tasks
system settings
task management
task scheduler
task status
user login
windows issues
authentication fail
connection problems
microsoft support
network security
rds connection
user authentication
windows issues