shared files

  1. R

    Windows 7 Change default path of User profile personal files and program installation path

    I have a computer with three partitions, the first with 100GB exclusively to Windows 7 (already installed), a partition for applications and another partition for personal files (photos, text, music, movies, etc.). I wonder how to configure the location of "My Documents", so that all users...
  2. C

    Windows 7 Can't seem to join network

    OK, I need some help in simple terms. I have a desktop and 2 laptops, all running XP. I have a network where my laptops can see shared files from my desktop. I have a printer connected to the desktop and each laptop can access the printer. I recently bought a new laptop with Windows 7. It...
  3. W

    Windows 7 unblocking pictures

    We are working in a homegroup of 5 comps. My problem is all of a sudden pictures i am receiving from 1 computer downstairs are all blocked for my safety because they have come from another computer. I have to individually click properties on each pic and unblock them 1 at a time. The 2 comps...
  4. D

    Windows 7 Weird network symbol

    Hello everyone. Maybe it started yesterday when I got a black screen when the computer started. I waited for a while and I finally was able to enter. I have a problem with my network, apparently. Please look at the picture I joined to this post. Today I tried to log in to Windows Live...
  5. S

    Windows 7 Winows 7 user accounts, user folder names, and paths

    I have a new Dell laptop with Windows 7 Professional. It came with McAfee security. I am comparing W7's Explorer's left hand folder tree with that of my desktop computer which has Win XP Pro. I find W7 to be confusing. W7 has a folder called \Users\ which seems to be similar to XP's...
  6. WightWalker

    Windows 7 Not all files shared on a shared partition

    I have a seperate partition for MP3 files which I've set up to be shared but not all folders within that partition are shown as shared. The same is true for the partition that I use for data files. Yet on another partition ALL folders are shown as shared - I don't understand. Is it me or has...
  7. WightWalker

    Windows 7 Can see shared files but can't access them Laptop on network

    I know this has probably been covered previously but I haven't fixed my problem yet. On my original setup the Desktop PC (Windows 7) talks to the old Laptop (Windows XP) perfectly OK. I've just bought a new laptop with Windows 7, configured the Network to MSHOME (same as on existing...
  8. H

    Windows 7 homegroup and public locations

    I have a homegroup set up for Computer1. Computer2 is on domain so it can only connection to Computer1's homegroup and not create it's own. That is fine Computer2 is able to join the homegroup and see the shared files. It can't however see the files in Computer1's libraries that are located...
  9. R

    Windows 7 How do I connect my Vista Laptop to my Win7 desktop?

    Hi Windows 7 Fans: I just upgraded my Dell Desktop from Vista 32-business to Windows 7 Enterprise. I changed my password and now I can not connect thru my network to my Desktop from my Dell Vista Laptop. I have my files shared and network sharing & printer sharing enabled but now I can...
  10. S

    Windows 7 quick question about Win7 file sharing...

    Hi there, I'm wondering what it means when Windows 7 says a file is 'Shared With uuid:1000000-00000 ect..' When I enter Windows Explorer and click a file in the download folder, it says that at the bottom of the screen. Thanks
  11. L

    Windows 7 removing VISTA (c:\) with win7 (J:\) - how???

    hello, i have recently installed win7 (which is AWESOME!!!) on J:\ and have my earlier VISTA (which is crap ;) installed on C:\ as shown below. HDD1 - 1TB C:\ - 200gig has VISTA D:\ - 800gig has just files HDD2 - 1TB J:\ - 200gig has win7 H:\ - 800gig has just files note that each...
  12. laddieri

    Windows 7 Router crashes when accessing shared files

    I am having trouble accessing shared files on my home network from Windows 7. I am currently running the Windows 7 64-bit RC, but i have had the same problem on earlier 32-bit beta versions. Windows 7 is installed on a desktop computer that is wired to a Belkin wireless G router. I have a...
  13. J

    Windows 7 windows 7 RC can't access the shared files of windows 2000 server using unc path

    Hi, I have encounter a problem, I have a host A: windows7 RC 7100 another host B: windows 2000 server,sp4 I try to access B's shared folders on host A, using unc path. But it always give an error message: Logon failure: unkown user name or bad password. I have added B's computer name...
  14. R

    Windows Vista Seeing Other Computers and Servers

    I have two Compacs running XP, three Macs running OS10.4.8, a SNAP server running some old version of SNAP OS, and a XIMETA NDAS server. I have installed Vista on a second clean drive of one of the Compacs and that went well. I finally got my network HP printer to be recognized and installed...