
  1. C

    Windows 7 MS Explorer loosing navigation to Workstations?

    Hi All, I've just joined so hello to all! :cool: I hope you can help me with this very annoying issue: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Background: I recently upgraded a client's computing site installation. 4 Desktops, software (XP/MS Office...
  2. Q

    Windows 7 start menu search defective

    This subject might have been dealt with many times in this forum. I did search for posts before this, but I didn't find actually what I was looking for as regards the windows search. I have Windows 7 Pro x64, I use a limited user (and another one with administrator privileges, obviously). When...
  3. U

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Behaving as if Alt Key is Stuck

    I have a Lenovo G570, running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I first discovered this problem a few weeks ago whilst playing Heroes Of Newerth, it was behaving like ALT was being held down, I couldn't type and it was unplayable, it happened many times and it seemed to only happen during or...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Where can I find the folder that holds the pinned Start menu shortcuts?

    I.e. these shortcuts created by dragging shortcuts to the Start button: Link Removed due to 404 Error I'd like to edit this list directly in Windows Explorer file view, rather than on the Start menu. I do not with to use a toolbar instead. Thanks.
  5. C

    Windows 7 How to get two start menu shortcuts to same exe with different with command-line switches?

    have two desktop shortcuts to the same exe but with different command-line switches. How can I get them both onto the Start menu? When I drag the first to the Start button, it appears fine - but when I drag the second, it replaces the first. So what even I do, only one appears on the menu. Thanks.
  6. Kaschiro

    Windows 7 title is there but I lost my icons

    This is sort of weird my short cuts are blank there is no icons..yet when you click on it the program comes up and is functioning normal ...if you go into the program its self and go to the exe file the icon is the same way, not all programs are affected... Can some one shed some light here Kas
  7. News

    Keyboard shortcuts for the "Shut down" and "Hibernate" commands are unexpectedly set to the R key in

    Fixes an issue in which the keyboard shortcuts for the "Shut down" and "Hibernate" commands do not work as expected. This issue occurs on a computer that is running the German version of Windows 7 or of Windows Server 2008 R2. Link Removed
  8. M

    Windows 7 How do I use the tab shortcuts for Opera like Firefox?

    To go to tab number 2, I want to be able to pres ctrl 2 and arrive at tab 2, but it just goes to bookmark 2.
  9. S

    Windows 7 How do you capture on Windows like you can on Mac?

    Capturing on the Mac is extremely fast in that you just press Alt Shift 4, aim and snap, it automatically saves it with the date and time as the name of the file. How can you automatically save what you captured right after you captured it, with the name automatically set to the date and...
  10. R

    Windows 7 Confused and need help desktop icons

    Okay, let me start by saying I don't have a great deal of experience with computers, so you may have to "dumb it down" for me.:rolleyes: The icons on my desktop keep going to the left side of the screen. I have unchecked the option to "auto arrange" several times, but it keeps moving the icons...
  11. B

    Windows 7 I 'd like to access the startmenu folder (not what you think)

    I want to place some .bat shortcuts in the start menu. Not in Programs, but in the first area with no folders. I know that you can click on "Pin to Start Menu" to do this. However, with a batch file or its shortcut, this option is not available. So, either I have to find a folder, or a reg...
  12. News

    Keyboard shortcuts for the Shut down and Hibernate commands are unexpectedly set to the R key in the

    Fixes an issue in which the keyboard shortcuts for the Shut down and Hibernate commands do not work as expected. This issue occurs on a computer that is running the German version of Windows 7 or the German version of Windows Server 2008 R2. Link Removed
  13. bornin1990

    Windows 8 Add Shutdown and Restart shortcuts to Desktop

    Duplicate process. Original thread located here: Reference: forumswindows8
  14. ravna

    Windows 7 Windows Keyboard Shortcuts

    Hi Guys...had a problem in Dreamweaver the other day relating to Keyboard Shortcuts not working from the 'Keypad'...posted the question on the Adobe forum and received this answer... You can't use numeric keypad with CTRL key because those keys are meant to be used alone for inserting numbers...
  15. C

    Windows 7 Remapping Fn keys

    [ Solved ] Remapping Fn keys Hi there, As I use the copy/paste functions regularly, is it possible to map these to, for example, the F9 & F10 keys ? Thanks in advance for your help.
  16. Drew

    Windows 8 De ja vu

    Entertainment, Science & Technology, Travel & more... MSN Home Page stuff. Presented a certain new & different way, "Metro" tiles, & in a new location, on a screen called "Start". Wow, now, there's a big deal. A handy icon can be on the desktop (taskbar) for anything, now or before. Here's...
  17. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7: Fonts and Font Shortcuts

    How does Windows 7 save information when we install a Font as a shortcut? I've recently had to reinstall Windows 7 in a computer directed at Media Creation; they have, like, 10,000 fonts and not all programs can handle that great a number, so they selectively use only the fonts they deem...
  18. webdevii

    Windows 7 Anyone know of any good library managers besides the default library system in windows 7

    First of all I want to say Greets to all in the forum and thank you for being here This is pertaining to the Library shortcuts in the My Computer Left Pane. Just looking for a little utility to manage libraries and be able to manage them more efficiently than Microsoft does. Thank you all...
  19. Drew

    Windows 8 Access All Apps Easily in Windows 8 Desktop Without Metro Start Screen

    For all those getting their knickers in a knot over the Win8 Start screen... do you realize w/ THIS (See below) on the Taskbar, visits to Start are reduced by a little over 99.9999999% Start Tiles (APPs) in Desktop Window!! Here is a quick, easy way to have ALL APPS in a Desktop window...
  20. M

    Windows 7 Save As view stuck...

    Win7HomePremium64: For now, in SOME programs, (Audacity for example), During Save As into specific libraries (Docs in my case): How do you disable the Group By view? Nothing else seems available in context menus, also, in this situation New Folder is grayed out. In my situation it's...