software support

  1. News

    Windows Vista Will There Be a Windows Vista Service Pack 3?

    Microsoft hasn't announced any intention to release a service pack 3 for Windows Vista, but there's reason to believe they will anyway. Link Removed due to 404 Error
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    Windows 7 When is Windows 7 Service Pack 1 coming? Would be nice if they worked longer on it

    When is Windows 7 Service Pack 1 coming? Would be nice if they worked longer on it, so it would come out 1 year and a half
  3. M

    Windows 7 Error 2738 - Cannot fix with the usual methods!

    Hello all, turning to you guys for help as Microshaft want to charge me for support! I am getting Error 2738 Could not access vbscript run time for custom action and cannot solve the problem by removing the registry key HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{B54F3741-5B07-11CF-A4B0-00AA004A55E8}...
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    Windows 7 Clean install from 64-bit oem disk appears to be 32-bit

    I installed Windows 7 on a new computer from an OEM disk, specified and labeled as 64-bit. I never got an option to select one or the other, and the installation went fine. However, I can't find any indication that I have a 64-bit operating system. When I go to computer/properties/system, there...
  5. B

    Windows Vista Vista theme changed automatically!

    I've been running Vista Home Premium, SP1, and Live One Care for about a year and has been very stable with no odd happenings....until today. My system normally goes through an auto tune-up once a week but that's set for Sundays in the early morning hours. Today is Friday and when I came into my...
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    Windows 7 Ubuntu Cliffhanger and Windows 7 Ultimate

    My MB recently died and I upgraded almost the entire bank of components within the case. Had a copy of WinXP SP2 but would not load, so tried Ubuntu after previewing and digesting... Long story short, ended up using 'killdisk' to remove Ubuntu, subsequently installed Windows 7 Ultimate. Going...
  7. S

    Windows 7 .net framework and windows!

    Hey guys... I have .net framework installed on my windows 7, I wanted to install the 3.0 version, 3/4s of the way through it told me I need to configure my 3.0 options in "Windows features turn on or off" app in control panel. I go to that app, and all I can do it turn it on off or on?..Im new...
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    Windows 7 Everytime I log in, I get a "Windows Activation" screen, saying activate Windows now

    Everytime I log in, I get a "Windows Activation" screen, saying activate Windows now the activation period has expired. Then it gives me the option to activate now or activate later, why is this? I have the windows 7 release cand. and isin't it supposed to expire in like 2010? Please help...
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    Windows 7 Windows 7: User Account Control (UAC)

    One of the highly criticized features in Windows Vista is the User Account Control(UAC) which prompts up a dialog box seeking users' permission to continue or stop whenever a system-level change is made. The problem with Vista is that even the default user account which is created during the...
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    Windows Vista Windows 7 as early as next year??

    Hi all It is being hinted by microsoft that vista could be already consigned to the bucket as early as next year. To read the article see the following link from a reliable post: Link Removed - Invalid URL Any thoughts????????
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    Windows Vista which cygwin will support windows vista machine

    Execused, seriously, I am facing big problem, cygwin is not getting installed. I tried with all the latest version please solve this problem.Which version cygwin is recuired to install. Thanks and regards siddharoodh I D