
  1. Jimbo22

    new post tab

    I would like to suggest a new post tab to added. It's there on the main/home page but not on any page after that. See examples. It's a PITA to have to go to the home page, find my topic area and then find a the new post tab.
  2. blksith0

    Board suggestion: Rename

    Just rename the board to "whoosh", that's a little more accurate at this point ;). Or why not have one "megathread" where you can keep posting. A little more organized that way.
  3. News

    Unknown File Type? Visual Studio Suggestion Extension...

    There you are, opening a new open source project and there's a file in the project that you can't edit or that the edit experience isn't great. Then you remember, "Oh yeah, I'm supposed to install an Extension to edit that..." Link Removed must have run into that more times than he can count...
  4. M

    Re-occuring .ost file corruption

    We have a practice wide re-occuring issue in which users .ost files become corrupt. See error: "Unable to open default email folders. The file C:\\microsoft\outlook\outlook.ost is not an offline folder." We are on Outlook 2007 (12.0.6423.1000 SP2 MSO), office 2007. Occurs on different PC's...
  5. Drew

    Microsoft Suggestion Box

    Even if you’re not a Windows Insider, you can still tell us what you’d like to see in Windows. We (Microsoft not, this Forum) now have a Link Removed which is open to anyone who wants to send us ideas and suggestions for Windows. For example – if you think it would be awesome if Windows natively...
  6. T


    Gotta admit, Google Browser was super. I uninstalled Firefox. This used to be such a good browser. Google is fast and accurate. I still use explorer at times. Great suggestion. Thanks teak
  7. L

    Windows 7 Wifi Identifying

    So about 2 weeks ago, every day or so, while I am connected to my wifi network, it just disconnects and then says it is identifying my network. It only works when I restart my router. I am tired of restarting my router everyday and the people I live with aren't to thrilled about it either...
  8. Kosh Vorlon

    MVP/MCCA Recognition "badge" and posts here counting toward those awards

    Two things really. 1. Is there some way to recognize members who have MVP or MCCA designations with some type of badge or indicator next to their post identification information? I found a sneaky way to edit the comment below member status (as you can see though I missed how that was...
  9. Drew

    Windows 8 PDFs

    A wee tip/suggestion: Rt Clk on .pdf file Set it (them) to default to 'Other' (PDF) Reader rather than the out-of-the-box Windows Reader (App) when opening. Drew
  10. A

    Windows 8 What is annoying in Windows 8?

    For me, what annoys me in Windows 8 until now is that for example: - In Windows 7 days while I am playing a MMORPG Online game in Full Screen mode and when I press the Windows Start Key in Keyboard, it shows me the taskbar, Start Icon, the time and the date... This helps me to quickly look at...
  11. C

    Windows 7 weird transparent bar on screen that wont go away....

    Hey, so there has been this weird shadow bar on the bottom right hand side of my screen. It will always be on top of windows and cannot be clicked on. It also displaces desktop icons. I have no idea what it is or how to get rid of it! I have taken a screen shot of it on a white background so you...
  12. EDDiCTS

    Windows 7 Desktop Icons Problem

    Hello people,I have a new problem with my icons on desktop.This morning when i opening my lappy i see all program on my desktop are displaying some error.It seems like a corrupt icons but the program works normally.See the screenshot i have uploaded below.Any help,advice or suggestions would be...
  13. H

    Windows 7 problem sending links

    After reformatting windows 7, unable to send a clickable link... Say I;m looking at cnn,,want to send the page,,,file,,send,,,it just shows up as http addy,,not a clickable link someone can click on to go to page... Does the same thing in explorer or firefox,,windows live mail or...
  14. Captain Jack

    Team BSOD : New session for BSOD

    Hello Geeks :cool: I think we have a good traffic for BSOD Issues. Can we have a separate session for posting BSOD issues rather that posting in General session something like "Crash and Debugging" Just a suggestion ! Captain
  15. zvit

    Forum Suggestion to improve helping people

    It would be nice if windows7forums had a rule like on other help forums, where if your problem is solved, you must edit the subject of your original post and add the word [SOLVED] in it so people can easily see which problems were solved. (Or you can make a button for the post starter to click...
  16. M

    suggestion - please remove the 365 day password re-use rule

    Couldn't remember my password, used the password reset and now when i go to change my password back to something i can remember it tells me i cant use the password because i've used it within the last year. If you make me change it to something i'm not going to remember, i'm just going to...
  17. M

    suggestion - do away with the 180 day password limitation

    I'd like to request/suggest you do away with the 180 password re-use limitation. Forcing people to pick a new password is just a recipe for forcing them to always pick a new password since they (me) wont remember it and will use the password reset, at which point they'll have to pick a yet even...
  18. R

    Windows 7 Problem with font apperance.

    I need help here ! I cant get this " 1 " back straight . Most of the word i view in internet and games is all in Italic . Any suggestion to help me out ? Link Removed due to 404 Error