This article describes how to resolve servicing corruption that the System Update Readiness tool (CheckSUR) has found but is unable to correct on its own. You can find this information in the %WinDir%\Logs\CBS\CheckSUR.log Note : Make sure you download...
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Fixes an issue in which the operating system may stop responding at the Welcome screen after you enter the user credentials to log on to a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, or Windows Server 2008 R2.
HI guys
have recently updated my mainboard, ram and a cheap dvd/rw and been getting random bsod's which is rather annoying to say the least. The main bsod screen i get is PFN_LIST_CORRUPT but have once got memory_management bsod screen. Im kinds stuck and need some expertise advice :)
I have a very weird problem: my backspace key works in a program only if it ran as administrator! It has started suddenly, don't remember any changes I'd done before that, including widows update.
I've Windows 7 x64, MS Curve 2000 keyboard.
Any help will be appreciated!
I have been getting the blue screen for quite a while now. Also mypc gets stuck in sleep mode and have so much trouble getting it back on. I have windows 7 and updated everything I can think of. Didn't work, so I dumped everything and reset it back to factory settings, still the same. I'm on the...
I recently began to encounter a BSOD upon updating my machine with windows update.
The problem seems to be specifically triggered by updates flagged as 'Update for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems'
Around a similar time my ability to obtain an internet connection from my network became...
Describes an update for computers that are running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 and have an AMD FX series, AMD Opteron 4200 series, or AMD Opteron 6200 series processor installed. This update improves the system performance when you run...
hi all have had a couple of crashes today and i cant figure out why, i put new ram in 2 days ago and having been using the computer fine, seems when i open cubase now it wants too crash, everything im sure is updated, i maily use this computer for audio work
windows 7 64
amd a8-3850 processor...
Describes an update which improves the restore operation performance of the Printbrm.exe command-line tool in Windows 7 or in Windows Server 2008 R2.
Fixes an issue in which some logon scripts may take a long time to run on a computer that is running Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
I have a critical update that keeps coming up. Here is an image:
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This has been a problem for over a month now. It seems to be causing an error with My SQL Server BIDS 2008; specifically VSTO, which crashes constantly now (it never used to cause any problems).
readiness tool
security update
service pack
sql server
visual studio
The Window Updates fail with error 80070308
Win7 x64 + SP1
Updates that failed:
Things that I've tried but failed: (also good for others to try these first)
1) Reset and re-register Windows...
Fixes an issue that occurs when a client half closes its connection after it sends an HTTP request to a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2.
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I know of the option to back up your data on an external hard drive, at
intervals, but in the past few years I've heard of "constantly backing up" which
is basically that whenever something is downloaded on your computer, an exact
copy is made on the external drive. All downloaded...
I have about 12 updates that are taking way too long to install. Right now they're at 65%, tomorrow they might be at 68%, or even 72%. But the point is that they never completely install. Normally I shut my computer off at the end of the work day but nothing updates before the computer shuts all...
Fixes an issue in which Windows Explorer stops responding for about 35 seconds when you try to access some files on a network share in Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008.
Fixes a locked account issue that occurs after you create or change multiple scheduled tasks in Windows 7, in Windows Server 2008 R2, in Windows Vista or in Windows Server 2008. When this issue occurs, Event ID 4625 is logged in the Security log.