
  1. whoosh

    ART Beware The Master Molly

  2. N

    Windows 10 Whats new wont update

    Whats new is not showing that I replied to my latest thread , it also says that there is only 1 reply . I replied myself earlier this morning .
  3. F

    Windows 10 Link to Twitter question

    A friend wanted to send me a twitter thread - she right clicked on it and a menu came up "send to (my pc name)" -- does anyone know where that would end up on my pc? I thought maybe it would end up on my desktop but nothing arrived there. The only thing I can think is, I must need a twitter...
  4. livix07

    Windows 10 Debugger issue

    Why does WinDBG give a different output on my computer: .................................................. ******************************************************************************* * * *...
  5. holdum333

    Windows 10 PSR Zip File-How To Use Macrium Relect!!

    Hi Creating this thread for my friends @MikeHawthorne and @BIGBEARJEDI whom are big fans for creating a back up image of your OS. This thread can be moved or deleted. Which ever is appropriate. I'm also a big fan of back up images. The best recovery you will ever have. Be sure to click on my...
  6. imjustademo

    Windows 10 Using USB for win10 repair.

    Coming off of this thread BSoD after exiting Thief. Memory Management Error When you say Do you mean right cl ick properties and see if it directs me a path where it shows file location? I'm not sure if you mean that or run it and see if it directs me.
  7. dewald

    Windows 10 web address thread

    good morning please help as i am going to loose my mind I am running windows 10 although my problem started while running windows 7 I have Avast security installed on my laptop and every time I access the web it pops up a thread from gnw.cisection dot net 1996....... for the love of computers...
  8. News

    Working Toward Universal Interoperability in IoT

    Today’s Internet of Things landscape is a modern day Tower of Babel – a proliferation of communication protocols and data formats across the device ecosystem that make it difficult for devices to “speak the same language” and work together in harmony. This reality makes it difficult for us to...
  9. R

    Please help

    Hello I have a Nokia Lumia 630. I have had it for about 7 months. I have a SD card, and about half of my storage has been used. Now, when I turn the phone on and unlock it comes up with a black screen saying its loading. I can click on the bottom right search, it comes up with the search but...
  10. davidhk129

    Mods or Admin : please move this thread out of my Conversation Inbox.

    I do not know how did this happen. Someone posted a question in my Inbox. I did not ask for it, and I do not answer questions in "private session " format. Please move it back to appropriate forum so that everyone can have a crack at it. I do NOT want it in my Inbox. Thank you. This is the...
  11. R

    Windows 7 Running bootrec/scanos in 32-bit WinPE to detect 64-bit offline Win7

    Esteemed ladies and gentlemen, I have a 32-bit WinPE into which I have integrated MSDART tools and some 3rd party remote control software as well as some utilities provided by a vendor which supports our hard drive encryption solution. The long and short of it is that there are occasions in...
  12. davidhk129

    Report Spammers in OLM to Outlook 2010 Migration Thread

    Admins or Mods, Please have a look at this thread. To me they are spammers.
  13. sidmoore

    Windows 7 Anyone Have Experience With AX64 BackUp ??

    The title of this thread says it. AX64 looks like the best thing since sliced bread. Anyone using it? Sid
  14. davehc

    Issues with 'Stop Watching' Alerts in Forum Settings

    This may be a problem on my side, but could be a forum bug? In alerts, after opening, I have from time to time decided to "stop watching". I think I have it correct. I tick the box at the bottom "more options" and then untick "watch this thread". This doesn't always seem to work (for me). As...
  15. J

    Windows 8 BSOD's after waking up from sleep or logging in from startup.

    I get BSOD's every now and then after waking up from sleep or logging in from startup. I've had Windows 8 installed for 6 months. The BSOD is something like system thread exception not handled. I used the program W7F Diagnostic and have the file attached.
  16. Jimbo22

    new paragraph

    When using IE 10 and this site, trying to start a new paragraph in a reply or starting a thread is impossible. Usually when starting a new paragraph one would just hit the return key and it starts a new paragraph. For what every reason, starting a new paragraph using IE 10 and this site just...
  17. News

    GetKeyState function does not work when you use the AttachThreadInput function to attach an input pr

  18. A

    Windows 7 BSOD Bug String Code-Worker_Thread_Returned_At_Bad_Irql

    Hello Guys ,i have been experiencing a couple of bsods from the last couple of days ,please help me:(:( My pc specs- graphic card-ati radeon 4350 hdd-290 gb ram-2gb
  19. whoosh

    VIDEO OXYGEN- Melody Beals The Soldier Thread (Cover)

  20. O

    Windows 7 Massive List of 64 bit Freeware???

    I seem to recall a forum thread that listed free 64 bit programs recommended by members. There must have been 200+ freeware programs listed, all genuine 64 bit [not just the ability to run on 64 bit Windows. It was a huge thread with lots of great feedback on the quality of various software. I...