
  1. D

    Windows 7 Wireless unidentified network no internet access

    I've read SOOO many posts about this the past few days over various different websites, and haven't been able to find a fix that worked yet. Finally just asking directly here. Here's my ipconfig/all: Windows IP Configuration Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : EMILSCANCER Primary Dns...
  2. D

    Windows 7 2 computers say "identifying...no internet access" on ethernet for ~15 minutes after start up

    Both my laptop and desktop are running Windows 7 64 bit. They both have the same issue through wired ethernet, but not through wireless connections. The reason I do not use wireless is because I only have 2-zero bars in my room. I am at a college campus and they have said the problem is mine...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Open window window apears requesting to open My username. Upon win startup

    I'm Running Windows 7(64bit) Each time I boot into Windows 7 Prem (64) a open window apears requesting my username at the top of the open window to specify a a program to open it? I've clicked on note pad and I get the following information that apears, each time though it requests, or looks...
  4. R

    Windows 7 My netbook ASUS is unable to connect to the inet

    Everything was working fine. Connecting to the inet at home and away. Fat dumb and happy. Last night, some automatic security fixes applied themselves. Suddenly WINDOZE7STARTER is forcing a "select a location for the '3TYNE7328215850 2' network. And, no internet connectivity. My Mac, my...
  5. E

    Windows 7 intermittent problem with RDP over IPSEC Lan2LAN VPN

    Hello, I think somebody should have encountered this but somehow i can't find a relative thread or document regarding our problem. Let start with a network layout. In our company network we have 3 gateways. Default gateway is a ISA 2006 server. We don't use the isa client so we're all Secure...
  6. G

    Windows 7 Internet Conection Share 7 to 7 (ICS) PLZ PLZ HELP...!!!

    hi..! i have internet connection on my pc (working) i hav 2 Ethernet adapters on my pc. one for internet. other one for laptop. both connected using cross cable. file shearing working, remote desktop also working, but internet not working on laptop.. these are settings : setings on my pc...
  7. I

    Windows Vista Teredo Tunneling Psuedo-Inferface?

    So just wondering why this just popped up in my device manager. I noticed because tune-up utilities saying its not configured right and its got a little yellow icon with ! in device manager