windows folder

  1. A

    Windows 8 Windows 8 using up a LOT of space, why?

    I have windows 8 on my laptop, I don't use the laptop its just a spare computer should my main one fail. After installation I don't think I installed anything besides Edge and a cd burner. Within the windows folder however there are a few folders that contain about 25gb or more of data. Prefetch...
  2. C

    Windows 10 Cant rename files or copy from external hard drive.

    I am trying to copy music files from my external hard drive to my music folder and I get a message about file names too long or invalid. I have tried to shorten the names by renaming them, but it won't allow me. I would rather not shorten the songs names anyway. How can I get around this?
  3. Windows 7 How To Uninstall Botched Win7 Install on XP machine?

    I have an old XP machine. An Acer Aspire. I put Win7 Ultimate on it but it hasn't taken. Always gives me an error message and asks for the install disk again - which was a USB stick - but when i provide it nothing changes. So I need to get it off and start again. I have 3 physical disks...
  4. R

    Windows 8 Won't boot after windows update

    This is on a six-core system, 8GB ram, win 8.1 64bit. Yesterday everything was fine. I went to shut down at the end of the day and selected 'update and shut down.' Then in the morning windows would not boot up. After some digging around it looks like the update moved my entire windows folder...
  5. Windows 8 permissions Hell.........

    i'm the only user with an account on my machine. hence, the administrator. still, i've been being bombarded with permission errors of every kind lately (most recently, while trying to install Python). in researching, i've found i have no control of the Windows folder (when i should have full...
  6. R

    Windows 7 Windows folder is 40GB

    I was having space problems on my SSD so I checked what is taking up so much space with SpaceMonger and it turns out my Windows folder is 40GB big. How normal is this and how could I get it smaller? I have only had this new SSD with windows for a year. :/
  7. Windows 10 Win some Loose some with clean install?

    Hi I've got my computer all up and running again with everything installed and for the most part working. It's running very well, but there is a down side. Cortana has stopped talking again. I can clearly see that she is sending the speech signal to my Sound Blaster Card, but unlike last time...
  8. Windows 10 How big are your Windows 10 installations?

    Hi I came to my attention today that some people seem to have much smaller Windows 10 installs then I do. I don't have any software in my C:\ drive other then a few really small things like CCleaner etc. I have W10 installed on a 100 Gb partition. It uses 63 Gb of that. Only 10 of those are...
  9. P

    Windows 8 Windows takes two much space

    I have recently bought a Samsung ativ book 9 lite. Generally I'm happy with it but not at all with the bad usage of the disk space it has. It is supposed to have 128GB but: 1) It has a recover partition which takes up to 18GB (I think I should remove this one, what do you think of this?). 2)...
  10. Windows 7 Reinstalling: does all of C:\ get written over?

    When reinstalling Windows 7, does all of the system drive get erased/formatted in the process (I think so) or only the C:\Windows folder and subfolders (which would have been ideal)? I forget since last time. Thank you.
  11. R

    Windows 7 can you identify this icon?

    Hello. we are trying to implement a group policy that would redirect employees desktops to a server share. When we look at the existing shares, we find that some employees already have a desktop folder (whcih we assume is from random people saving backup copies of their desktop items). There...
  12. R

    Windows 7 can only create folders

    I can't imagine that I never did this before, but today I wanted to create a TXT file under the WINDOWS folder and the only thing on the context menu was FOLDER. I get the same context menu for any folder under the windows folder. Is this normal?? Can it be changed?? thx
  13. Windows XP Make XP boot DVD

    Hey out there. My parents Windows XP computer crashed about a week ago. Does anyone know if I can copy the Windows folder from my XP Virtual machine to a recordable DVD and then boot a computer from that DVD? Thanks.
  14. C

    Windows 7 No Mp3 info in Windows Index?

    Hi,Ive run into this problem recently,and do not know how to fix it. I cant remember any significant changes made to my system to trigger this. The problem im having is,all the info ID tags for the songs show fine,in idtag&rename and a fewe other id software,but none of it shows up in the...
  15. G

    Windows 7 Access Denied on Windows folder and subfolders and files!!!

    Well I log in at my pc as an Admin and I wanted to edit host file.. but this is impossible since I cant in anyway give to my self the rights to do that. I've read a lot of articles, and some of them says to run wordpad as an admin (from the properties option) but wordpad is only under windows...
  16. S

    Windows 7 Can't uplevel folders

    why cant i go back one folder if for example i went directly to %windir%\system32 if i want to go back to windows folder i have to click in the address bar and delete the system32 unlike ealier windows verisions i could just click on the up arrow button Link Removed - Invalid URL
  17. K

    Windows 7 What is 'Windows.ol' contains after installing from Vista to Windows 7

    Hi, I am Kishore here. I was using Windows Vista till yesterday and last evening I have installed new OS 'Windows 7' in C drive. Now in my C drive, I have 'Windows' folder and 'windows.old'. Here, I would like to know what is the 'windows.old' folder and can I remove that folder? Please help...
  18. W

    Windows 7 getting rid of old vista windows folder after installing 7

    I recently updated to windows 7 pro from vista home premium. My laptop has two hard drives, C (w/ 30 gb and D (w/ 180 gb). Vista came on my C drive but I installed 7 on my D drive because it had more space. Now though my C drive still contains the Windows folder from Vista and it's taking up 20...
  19. Windows 7 Some questions about system image backups

    So, I'm doing system image backups over a 1Gb/s network. The system being backed up is a Sony notebook (FW285D) with a 500GB hard drive. The backup runs at a steady 4-5MBytes/sec transfer which seems slow (I should note that a scheduled Win7 backup bursts at 24-45MBytes/sec), and as a result the...
  20. R

    Windows 7 simple file search

    How do I do a simple file search in W7??????????? Like I want to search for all *.wav files in the Windows folder