Windows 8 A Happy Friend


Mar 25, 2006
This afternoon, I worked w/ my friend who is in Edmonton. He bought Win8 Upgrade @ my suggestion & recommendation. He had a 64-bit box that was running 32-bit Vista. It is, now, running 64-bit Windows 8. The installation was an absolute, very rapid breeze. Basic OS install took no more than 20 mins. Spent some time via Team Viewer doing a bit of 'show-n-tell' w/ him, then left him to do or put in whatever he desired & 'personalize' colours & stuff. He really, really likes it! Formatted the drive, threw Win8 @ it, told it to keep nothing & done like dinner. Quick, easy, painless. He was impressed by how it did so much for itself, by itself.

We started out via Messenger on his Windows7 machine. Once Win8 was 'live', installed Messenger on it & switched over to it. Then, still, on it, via Team Viewer I gave him 'the guided tour', so to speak. What are friends for, eh?

I'll throw an Update @ my (currently) Vista laptop in a day or 2. My RP will get replaced in my PC w/ my (non-Upgrade) Windows 8 Pro when it arrives, soon.

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I too installed upgrade to Win8pro from Win7 on the 27th I believe it was.. After a few days working and playing with it, I must say I really LIKE it. not sure why so many people seem to be afraid of this upgrade.. Its different from all other Windows O/S for sure, but change is what makes the world go round.. my recommendation to all those skeptics. go for it..
I am not a professional IT person or any of the like, just a retired senior that likes the use my computer..

Very cool, Taylor. More comments like this (especially) from folks like you will likely mean a lot of a positive nature to "skeptics". I think we'll hear lots more comments like this as time passes.

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