
Senior Member
Dec 29, 2009
In Windows XP and earlier, I could paste a folder into the Start Menu folder, and when I opened start menu, I would get an expandable folder right alongside Programs. I'd like to know how I can do that in Windows 7. I have a folder in which I put shortcuts to documents I use often. I could pin it to the Start Menu, but when clicking on it, it opens an explorer window with the shortcuts. I want to have an expandable menu like the Start Menu. I was able to do this in XP just by pasting that folder inside the Start Menu folder but that doesn't seem to work in Windows 7. How do I do that?

You can always 'drag and drop' your folder to the place arrowed (above the thin blue line) and this should, after use, create the 'jump list' that you require..
It me a while to find this also as i like to create folders and have a tidy start menu/all programs section.
If you open the start menu and then right-click where it says 'All programs' you'll see where it says 'All users' which is where you can create the folders you mean.. See screenshot.

Thanks! I tried that, but even when I pasted my shortcuts folder alongside "Programs", it still only appeared inside "All Programs" and not as an expandable "Start Menu"-style folder, i.e. when clicking it, it opened in Windows Explorer instead.

A question about your screen shot: How do you get other programs added and deleted from above "All Programs", like how do you get "Command Prompt" and "Speed Prompt" in there? That's really what I'm trying to do.

You can always 'drag and drop' your folder to the place arrowed (above the thin blue line) and this should, after use, create the 'jump list' that you require..

I still do not manage to do this.
If you look at the start menu - you can see 'Documents' with a small arrow next to it that opens another menu.

This is what I want to do!

I want to press 'Start' them press an icon 'My Programs' and then press on another icon 'My Application'.
I do not want to be forced to click another click (on 'All Programs' e.g.)

It was very simple to do so on WinXP - simply drag a folder with my shortcuts to the start menu.

Is this even possible on Win7?

