Windows 7 Any font pack avaible?


New Member
So I'm not sure if something went wrong in installation but I got only ~30 fonts in win7 professional 64-bit. (or is that ultimate's feature to have big pack?)

I could download fonts 1 by 1 from internet but is there any regular MS font pack?

for example I don't have Kristen ITC fon't which has been in every windows so far (XP, vista 64b, win7 beta 64b)

Thanks, M1KK0
Google Sites?
just search on google for either a specific font or a pack, if you know the name.
the problem is that there isn't any font packs avaible which would bring all original MS fonts. only custom font packs with 1k fonts but I dont want such packs
kinda thread closed, I exported every single font from vista's font folder I found


all don't work tho so still looking for pack if there is one