Windows 10 Anyone heard of a new RTM date?


New Member
I was just wondering, since July 9th has been missed, I have heard it will be sometime around July 16th. Anyone heard anything for sure?

I still haven't deciphered the comments about releasing the final version to the Insiders on July 29th. I suppose technically, the public release has been moved back?
The RTM constantly changes with each new 'Cumulative update'. You can follow these updates here:
Windows 10 cumulative update history

Latest RTM :
I was just wondering, since July 9th has been missed, I have heard it will be sometime around July 16th. Anyone heard anything for sure?

I still haven't deciphered the comments about releasing the final version to the Insiders on July 29th. I suppose technically, the public release has been moved back?

Hi, I'm not sure how this relates to the fact that it's October 18th?
But a lot of updates have come and gone since July.

Right, Mike. I think the OP has his dates confused. :confused: RTM was released originally July 29, 2015 last year. The first AU update was release Aug. 2nd 2016 this year. This was the first rollup style update to the RTM; and there have now been 9 or so adjustments made to that per the list kemical posted.
