Windows 10 AS SOON AS I START DOING SOMETHING BIG... all hell breaks loose to Antimalware Service Executable.


New Member
Apr 24, 2018
So, here is the problem. I was looking at Antimalware Service Executable for a long time, then as soon as I start doing something big such as copying a lot of files at once, a lot of the CPU goes to the Antimalware Service Executable, and then what I am copying goes down to literally Kilobytes per second and everything else slows down as well, and then as soon as the copy is finished, antimalware service goes back to less than 10 % cpu and everything else goes back to normal. Can you please help me? FYI Windows 10 Home 16992
Well that's pretty normal for a lot of AV/AM services they are actively scanning data written to disk since they use a file system filter driver.
No, it only started TODAY. Before it was running at around over 5mb per second and if I was lucky it would go to around 50 mb per second at the very end if the disk usage for File explorer kept going up. Now, the disk usage always stays at less than 1mb per second, and you already know that the number showing up in Task manager is higher than the one showing in the Copying dialog box.
Right now, I have 1.34 GB to copy and around 24 minutes. It takes way faster than that to download a movie on this computer!
The time now is 21:30. 1.22GB left and 'About 35 minutes left'. It is going to be way past my bedtime by the time it finishes, and I started the task over an hour ago! Oh, and the speed ranging from over 50 to less than 500 kb per second - way below average on this computer!
Copying from C:\ to D:\, both over 500GB D being the recovery partition but I still use it with my files. Also, I selected many folders together, CTRL C and CTRL V. And now it is 22:36 with 1.15 GB left and 'About 55 minutes left'.
i SWEAR I am going to install antivirus software, I cannot stand this flipping Antimalware Service Executable ANYMORE!
finally done it after having to close EVERYTHING. And it is 23:55 now, and I started this post around 30 minutes after waiting for it to copy.
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