[FONT=lucida console]**************************Tue Apr 16 04:01:48.997 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\041613-36488-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18113.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:14:48.849[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!PtDeallocateVElan+104 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180009, fffffa8009affbb0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180009, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa8009affbb0, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
PROCESS_NAME: svchost.exe
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!PtDeallocateVElan+104[/B]
**************************Mon Apr 15 11:20:20.207 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\041613-20124-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18113.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:11:23.383[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180015, fffffa800d1b12e0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180015, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800d1b12e0, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Mon Apr 15 10:01:12.069 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\041513-19671-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18113.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:05:03.302[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for athrx.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for athrx.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180004, fffffa800a006a90}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180004, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800a006a90, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
PROCESS_NAME: MobileBroadban
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Mon Apr 15 09:55:48.257 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\041513-18907-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18113.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:05:43.490[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180000, fffffa800b3af010}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180000, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800b3af010, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Mon Apr 15 09:49:24.280 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\041513-19390-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18113.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533
System Uptime:[B]0 days 7:49:57.530[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!PtDeallocateVElan+104 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180010, fffffa800f295110}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180010, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800f295110, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!PtDeallocateVElan+104[/B]
**************************Tue Apr 9 11:22:35.609 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\040913-18891-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 2:19:21.862[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180013, fffffa800d840960}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180013, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800d840960, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
PROCESS_NAME: explorer.exe
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Fri Apr 5 07:37:57.758 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\040513-16816-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:12:17.236[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180007, fffffa800809a8d0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180007, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800809a8d0, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Thu Apr 4 12:02:12.288 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\040513-24928-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:23:08.505[/B]
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for afd.sys
Probably caused by :[B]afd.sys ( afd+244d )[/B]
BugCheck [B]D1, {90909090, 2, 8, 90909090}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000090909090, memory referenced
Arg2: 0000000000000002, IRQL
Arg3: 0000000000000008, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation
Arg4: 0000000090909090, address which referenced memory
**************************Thu Apr 4 11:38:06.461 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\040413-18579-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:08:48.678[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180002, fffffa800d897e10}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180002, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800d897e10, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
PROCESS_NAME: iexplore.exe
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Thu Apr 4 11:28:45.164 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\040413-17799-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:07:31.007[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for athrx.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for athrx.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180015, fffffa800706f900}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180015, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800706f900, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
PROCESS_NAME: MobileBroadban
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Tue Apr 2 12:56:23.429 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\040213-25708-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 4:46:52.950[/B]
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vwifimp.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by :[B]vwififlt.sys ( vwififlt!filterDoInternalRequest+156 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]1000009F, {4, 258, fffffa800700c660, fffff800045be3d0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000004, The power transition timed out waiting to synchronize with the Pnp
Arg2: 0000000000000258, Timeout in seconds.
Arg3: fffffa800700c660, The thread currently holding on to the Pnp lock.
Arg4: fffff800045be3d0, nt!TRIAGE_9F_PNP on Win7
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x9F_4_vwififlt!filterDoInternalRequest+156[/B]
**************************Tue Mar 26 13:15:16.196 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\032713-23493-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:20:40.414[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180003, fffffa8008150e90}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180003, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa8008150e90, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
PROCESS_NAME: MobileBroadban
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Tue Mar 26 12:53:46.698 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\032613-24835-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:16:40.916[/B]
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for vpcnfltr.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vpcnfltr.sys
Probably caused by :[B]nwifi.sys ( nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]C2, {7, 109b, 4180002, fffffa800d885d50}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000007, Attempt to free pool which was already freed
Arg2: 000000000000109b, (reserved)
Arg3: 0000000004180002, Memory contents of the pool block
Arg4: fffffa800d885d50, Address of the block of pool being deallocated
BUGCHECK_STR: 0xc2_7_wsio
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0xc2_7_wsio_nwifi!Dot11FreeSendPacket+93[/B]
**************************Tue Mar 26 12:17:08.237 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\032613-31871-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 1:14:20.080[/B]
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for vwifimp.sys
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for win32k.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for win32k.sys
Probably caused by :[B]vwififlt.sys ( vwififlt!filterDoInternalRequest+156 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]1000009F, {4, 258, fffffa800700c660, fffff800045be3d0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000004, The power transition timed out waiting to synchronize with the Pnp
Arg2: 0000000000000258, Timeout in seconds.
Arg3: fffffa800700c660, The thread currently holding on to the Pnp lock.
Arg4: fffff800045be3d0, nt!TRIAGE_9F_PNP on Win7
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x9F_4_vwififlt!filterDoInternalRequest+156[/B]
**************************Thu Mar 21 08:35:16.161 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\032113-32011-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 0:47:12.379[/B]
Probably caused by :[B]afd.sys ( afd+42126 )[/B]
BugCheck [B]3B, {c0000005, fffff88003e42126, fffff8800acdba20, 0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 00000000c0000005, Exception code that caused the bugcheck
Arg2: fffff88003e42126, Address of the instruction which caused the bugcheck
Arg3: fffff8800acdba20, Address of the context record for the exception that caused the bugcheck
Arg4: 0000000000000000, zero.
PROCESS_NAME: svchost.exe
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x3B_afd+42126[/B]
**************************Wed Mar 20 13:23:24.329 2013 (UTC - 4:00)**************************
Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Owner\SysnativeBSODApps\032113-42635-01.dmp]
Windows 7 Kernel Version 7601 (Service Pack 1) MP (4 procs) Free x64
Built by: [B]7601[/B].18044.amd64fre.win7sp1_gdr.130104-1431
System Uptime:[B]0 days 4:31:22.172[/B]
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for pci.sys
Probably caused by :[B]pci.sys[/B]
BugCheck [B]9F, {3, fffffa8007b02060, fffff800045b03d8, fffffa800e9615c0}[/B]
BugCheck Info: [B]Link Removed[/B]
Arg1: 0000000000000003, A device object has been blocking an Irp for too long a time
Arg2: fffffa8007b02060, Physical Device Object of the stack
Arg3: fffff800045b03d8, nt!TRIAGE_9F_POWER on Win7, otherwise the Functional Device Object of the stack
Arg4: fffffa800e9615c0, The blocked IRP
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: [B]X64_0x9F_3_athrx_IMAGE_pci.sys[/B]