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* Bugcheck Analysis *
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Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck 50, {ffff840cac0092c2, 0, fffff8062729cdd0, 2}
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for aswSnx.sys
*** ERROR: Module load completed but symbols could not be loaded for aswSnx.sys
Could not read faulting driver name
Probably caused by : fileinfo.sys ( fileinfo!FIPfInterfaceOpen+1e0 )
Followup: MachineOwner
you have a number of different bugchecks although they all, in some way, relate to memory.
However, I can see that the dump file containing Bugcheck 1A (Severe Memory Management issues) had a specific crash number which tells us that it was most likely a driver causing the problems.
In fact the only driver actually mentioned is the one above 'aswSnx.sys'. This driver can also be seen in the Call Stack which is a record of the last routines ran around the time of the crash.
aswSnx.sys: Avast! Virtualization Driver
So please remove the Avast Security suite and just use the default Defender for now. Defender is extremely stable so see if the bsod stops.
Run these scans just to make sure your corruption and bug free:
File scans
Right click on the Start menu icon and from the revealed list choose 'admin command prompt'. Type:
sfc /scannow
press enter and await results
In the same command prompt and after the above scan has finished type:
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Press enter and await results (longer this time).
If the first scan found files it could not repair but the second scan is successful, run the first scan again using the same command prompt box and this time it should repair the files found.
Checks for malware. I have the Pro version of this and simply run it alongside Defender which works a treat.
If the bsod continues then you'll need to test your RAM. Windows does have a memory testing app but it can miss errors and the best app for the job is Memtest86.
If you open the link below you'll see you can run Memtest86 in two ways. You can either burn it to disk or install it onto a USB drive it's entirely up to you. You'll then need to enter the bios to change the boot order so you can boot from either the Disk or USB stick you have Memtest86 on.
You must test for at least 12 hours unless it becomes obvious there is a problem straight away.
Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool
Post any new dump files.