
New Member
Aug 31, 2009
hello there,

first of all, sorry for my bad english but i'm dutch :s sorry if you don't understand something

so my problem:
i get a BSOD randomly with no possible reason, for example, i'm surfing and all off a sudden i get BSOD, i close windows media center- i get BSOD, i'm away for some minutes and i come back to see that my pc has rebooted :s

please someone help me,
i'm all new to this .dump file stuff so please help me how can i upload the dmp file?

i'm running windows 7 64-bit
4-gb of ram
amd athlon 6400+ dual core
ati hd 4780 (i allready updated my drivers today)
motherboard is: asus crosshair formula 2

thank you already for the help

i found the problem of mine, i had an wireless internetcard and as soon as i unplugged it and connected my computer via a wire, i didn't get any BSOD since then :D
Exact same problem it sounds like, I'm not sure what the issue is but windows 7 definitely doesn't love our Compys

i found the problem of mine, i had an wireless internetcard and as soon as i unplugged it and connected my computer via a wire, i didn't get any BSOD since then :D
