Windows 10 Build 9879...any hard drive problems


Extraordinary Member
Apr 3, 2009
having read on line about bricking hard drives with the puis setting have any other had any problems?
I changed 9841 to 9879 and didn't have any problems was using a WD hard drive which by default puis is not enabled


Are you running Windows 10?
If so there will be a new build in a couple of days.

If you can wait you could just download it on another computer and install it from scratch.

You should probably start a new thread asking your question and give more information.

What happens when you try and boot it?
Does it have a recovery partition?
What model of computer?

If you need to back up data on it, you could make a Bootable Ubuntu disk and boot to that, then backup your data.

I tested this situation for a few days with a couple of Seagate drives mentioned in one of the threads.

I did not encounter the PUIS situation, but I did see the second Seagate drive was not recognized and could not be configured and formatted. After taking the drive to another system and setting it up, it was then recognized in 9879. The situation you mention seemed to make the drive unusable until a special procedure was used on it, and did not happen to me.

These type of things may be related to specific system configurations... hard to say.

All in all, Microsoft choosing to leave the "insiders" with 9879 was a very poor decision on their part.....

"All in all, Microsoft choosing to leave the "insiders" with 9879 was a very poor decision on their part."

Not sure I follow you on that one, Saltgrass. What do you mean?

If they were going to leave us with a build for 2 1/2 months, they should have done that with one which was more stable and in some cases actually worked.

Not having video on my system is a fairly large problem. Other folks seeing the hard drive problems and some others popping up even though some of those are being addressed. They should have planned to release another, more stable build before quitting for the year.

Since I don't run the software just to have an OS to run, I need a usable version to test and 9879 was not it....

I see. Well, it is for testing purpose. To issue new builds every time they attempt to rectify a reported fault, would have created quite a large load on there upload servers and would possibly have created a lot of unnecessary repetitive work for the Richards who are testing. To date I can see there have been +/- 50 builds since 9879.
I was lucky enough, I guess, not to have any serious problems, but I have put it on the back burner for the moment, as there seems to be little to feedback on, that hasn't already been reported, judging by the enormous volume on the insider feedback site.

I've not had any issues with HDD's with 10 with any build version. My only complaint is the keyboard lights not working like everybody else is have with 9879. The other bugs, I just send that info on in the feedback.

Other than that 10 works flawlessly for me...I do have it on a small but separate HDD and just boot into it when I want to have a go with it.

LOl. I didn't notice the lights until it was posted on forums. I have IBM cordless keyboards on my computers - no lights anyway.

To issue new builds every time they attempt to rectify a reported fault, would have created quite a large load on there upload servers and would possibly have created a lot of unnecessary repetitive work for the Richards who are testing. To date I can see there have been +/- 50 builds since 9879.
Let's don't exaggerate my comment. I believe everyone would agree builds are not necessarily done in succession but may have been split off from the primary line for testing. I am just requesting, whatever they were testing in 9879 would have been put on hold and a build which was not testing that could have been offered until such time when that problem is resolved, or at least advised the situation would not be addressed for some time.

The only thing I am fairly sure of is that the problem will be resolved prior to RTM.... I have received no feedback concerning the situation since the original discovery when 9879 first came out.. Don't take this as a complaint, just an observation. I am happy just using Windows 7.

so far I haven't had any problems
but from reading the problems on the TechNet forums I was a little concerned
but after checking out the puis with WD drives wasn't as worried about it as I was originally.

was wondering about the Seagate and Samsung drives but I will just keep with the WD for now

I'm using Seagate HDD's no issues what so ever. I only use Seagate HDD's....except for this 80GB WD that was given to me. It's just loud when reading the disc's...but it's an older WD HDD.


I haven't had any hard drive issues, but I do have others.
My printer only works intermittently, no keyboard lights, and other odd problems I didn't have in earlier builds.

I was tempted to go back to the previous build but decided to stick it out until the next update.

I have my fingers crossed that it's a lot better then this build.

I can't imagine why they haven't at least had a patch to fix the keyboard lights, that seems like it should be really simple to do.


I see. Well, it is for testing purpose. To issue new builds every time they attempt to rectify a reported fault, would have created quite a large load on there upload servers and would possibly have created a lot of unnecessary repetitive work for the Richards who are testing. To date I can see there have been +/- 50 builds since 9879.
I was lucky enough, I guess, not to have any serious problems, but I have put it on the back burner for the moment, as there seems to be little to feedback on, that hasn't already been reported, judging by the enormous volume on the insider feedback site.

Please I have that issue and an old acer of mine does not bootup anymore, any recovery tricks, of fix to recover it?


Are you running Windows 10?
If so there will be a new build in a couple of days.

If you can wait you could just download it on another computer and install it from scratch.

You should probably start a new thread asking your question and give more information.

What happens when you try and boot it?
Does it have a recovery partition?
What model of computer?

If you need to back up data on it, you could make a Bootable Ubuntu disk and boot to that, then backup your data.


fyi Seagate has been upgrading their systems last year and a lot of their hhd had firmware upgrades that will fix this and other issues.
