
New Member
Nov 4, 2009
:mad:Hi i'm currently studdying in computer engeneering and have a good background in networking but i can't figure this one out. I can ping my external ISP adress, ican ping, i can download windows updates but i can't load any web pages in IE8 or Firefox. I've closed down my antivirus software, shutdown windows firewall. I'm connected to my router via cable, tried manually setting DNS. Can access this site through another computer connected wirelessly to the same router. This doesn't make any sense and i hate win 7 now more than i've ever hated vista!!!

1. If you are using Norton, remove it completely. You may have to manual delete the folders, including "Symantic".
2. Whether or not you are using Norton, try this:
1) Go to start, run, cmd, (Run as Administrator)
2) After Cmd opens type this:-
netsh winsock reset catalog
after pressing enter
netsh intip reset reset.log
Now reboot.
Weird is right, i have a Corei7 920 overclocked to 3.5GHz with 6Gb 1333MHz memory, just updated my Vista 64 to Win 7 Pro 64 today, wiget work, Network Center say's i'm connected to the internet, i just downloaded 7 updates and installed them with no problem. When i ping my ISP or i have 0 loss.
I just installed chrome and i got a little more info when it didn't want to show the page "Error 105(net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED) : Server cannot be found." i'll try to work that angle but still need help.

Use IE.... and why would you want to overclock an I7 ... I can't get mine to use over 15% even loading 60 programs, web pages and such... and defragging at the same time. It's a monster.... you'll get a LOT more performance by tweaking win 7 and removing services and task and other tweaks.

I tried IE first... didn't work, then tried Firefox ... didn't work, then tried Chrome ... yep, didn't work. I overclock it for games, where it does make a difference. That's also why i have a GTX 280 OC.

I tried IE first... didn't work, then tried Firefox ... didn't work, then tried Chrome ... yep, didn't work. I overclock it for games, where it does make a difference. That's also why i have a GTX 280 OC.

So you can't get any browse to view websites but you can do anything else online.. like games etc ???

I think your firewall is getting in the way. They have a strong desire to protect you even if you think they are turned off.

I would disable a Wlan autoconfig from Administrator / services

I would google autoruns and download it and run it and disable programs running at Startup... and ALL Scheduled Tasks.

Turn OFF the computer... reboot router and boot up and check it.

Even if you overclock bigtime if your hard drive is indexing all the time you still have poor performance... there is a lot-o-crap that gets in the way.

1. If you are using Norton, remove it completely. You may have to manual delete the folders, including "Symantic".
2. Whether or not you are using Norton, try this:
1) Go to start, run, cmd, (Run as Administrator)
2) After Cmd opens type this:-
netsh winsock reset catalog
after pressing enter
netsh intip reset reset.log
Now reboot.

I'll try that winsock thing, otherwise i did go into my processes and kill anything that wasn't needed + shutdown the firewall and the antivirus.

RAK that second command line "netsh intip reset reset.log" no netsh option resembles what you put as an argument there. The only commands starting with " i " that exist are "netsh interface " or "netsh ipsec".

My apologies, Anomandrake. Very carelessly, I copied and pasted from my own notes and did not bother to read it afterwards. It should read
netsh int ip reset resetlog.txt
