Windows XP Can I install Windows 7 AS WELL as XP on a partitioned 2T hard drive?


Honorable Member
Mar 20, 2016
Dear Everyone.

You really helped me before, so I'm hoping you can help me again. This question's just as dumbass as the last one...

I've got a 2T hard drive. It's been partitioned into two 1T hard drives, so C: and D:. XP's on C:. IF I put Win 7 on D: can I dual boot between the 2 on startup (if so, am I automatically given the choice or do I have to download software to let me do this) and would I have to reinstall XP after installing 7?

Part 2 of the same dumbass question - is there any likelihood installing 7 would 'muck up' for want of a better phrase software on the XP installation, or would the two halves of the disc drive just ignore each other?

Yours a little puzzledly

As long as you install them in the order oldest to newest then yes you should be able to dual boot.
Both operating systems will be able to see the other partition, but they won't interfere unless you kick something off yourself.

Being a security engineer I always have to advice against installing XP or Windows 7 since both have been out of support for some time with countless known and unknown vulnerabilities you're practically inviting someone to attack your system. If you absolutely need to use them I would keep them off the network as even malware that is downloaded on a newer system or even Linux could seek out and exploit these systems if they are connected to a network.
As long as you install them in the order oldest to newest then yes you should be able to dual boot.
Both operating systems will be able to see the other partition, but they won't interfere unless you kick something off yourself.

Being a security engineer I always have to advice against installing XP or Windows 7 since both have been out of support for some time with countless known and unknown vulnerabilities you're practically inviting someone to attack your system. If you absolutely need to use them I would keep them off the network as even malware that is downloaded on a newer system or even Linux could seek out and exploit these systems if they are connected to a network.