Having spent many years in system software research and development writing programs 2,000 pages long in Assembler and machine code I am all too well aware of the powers and potential problems of trawling for data to be recovered from the bowels of a corrupted system. I am also am familiar with the skills and knowledge which enabled those so involved to command the recovery fees to which your refer. Today I offer those services free of charge via routes such as these forums and am especially motivated so to do when the data represents such things as irreplaceable personal documents.
What I was expressing in my reply was not an "opinion" but a considered response to the situation you described based on my experience. This is what I have to "contribute", it is offered freely for you to accept or reject. You have chosen to reject it and that is your right.
What is not your right is to make uninformed and offensive comments about the validity of my advice and to suggest that it is an unworthy contribution.
These forums exist thanks to the many people who give freely of their skills, knowledge, experience and, above all, their time to assist people who come to them seeking help. It is the right of all seeking such support to accept or reject advice offered but whatever the response, it should be made gently and graciously and not in the ungrateful and arrogant fashion in which you have chosen to word your response.
first off I will say yes that my response was ungrateful, but arrogant it was not.
my original post described my situation of having already RECOVERED the files from the corrupted drive and the question I had asked was if there was a way to move the files and directories over so it would boot and loging to the user profile and access data as though the was not a HDD change.
YOUR response was arrogant if anything, for you said basically to just trash those files and all and start from scratch like a basic level user.
this response was not an answer to my question, was not help to the situation I'm in or what I'm trying to do, and offered no insight to my question on how to proceed next. You said start from scratch, but its clear from the question that I'm asking for any insight on how to salvage it.
if you had made a reply that said that what I'm trying to do is not possible or highly unlikely because of reasons A). B). C). I might have been more respectful. But again, you gave no insight on how to or if what I'm doing might be possible.
like I said, I have the old data I don't need to go digging for it.
since you have such skill at writing documents 2,000 page documents and have such vast knowledge of the computer languages, why could you not give insight on how I might go about doing what I'm trying to do?
I just want to boot it up, have it open like it did on the old drive, and not have to reinstall all 120 something art programs she worked with on it.
but you said, basically said start from scratch, and really didn't offer any of your vast knowledge on the situation. Thank you so much for your time and effort, it must have really strained your brain.
I think the other guy pretty much answered my question, thank you sir for your help and insight.
now do your duty as a mod and mark this as answered, give me my warning for disrespecting a moderator who was unhelpful, and lock this thread.