Channel 9 Apps


Extraordinary Robot
Want to view our videos, but don't want to sit at your desktop?

No worries, we have apps for a variety of devices, including Windows 8, Windows Phone, Xbox 360 and Xbox One, iOS and Roku

Windows 8

Head over to the Windows Store to download this for your Windows 8 or 8.1 machine: Channel 9 app for Windows 8

Windows Phone

Grab the phone app for your Windows Phone 8 or 8.1 device: Channel 9 app for Windows Phone 8 and 8.1

Xbox 360 and Xbox One

To get the Channel 9 Xbox app, fire up your console, sign in and then go to 'Apps'. Browse or search for Channel 9, select it and download. Once it is downloaded, you can run it from your list of apps, or you can pin it to make it easier to get back to later.


Our iPad and iPhone application is now available in iTunes and includes the ability to sign in and to sync videos offline for viewing when you are disconnected. Click here to download it: Channel 9 on iPad and iPhone


Click this link (you may have to sign in to your Roku account) to add our Roku channel to your device(s): Roku channel for Microsoft's Channel 9. This is a quick and dirty beta, but if there is enough interest then we will try to work on it to make it more useful and fully supported.


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