
New Member
Dec 23, 2013
So for the longest time i've been having issues with my comp randomly shutting down on me. Event id 41 kernal power.. Everything in it is show 0 even the time stamp.

i have attached 4 minidump files that have shown up. Not sure if its the random restart that caused them or something else. 3 are from september and one from last year. other then that no other once have shown up. I have reformatted my comp, changed PSU and chord, Ram, and HDD, would try Mobo and CPU but dont got a spare one sitting around.

Running windows 7 64 bit Home premium. I am limited in BIOS due to DELL's bios lock..

thanks for your help and hope i can get this resolved. if any more info is needed feel free to ask.


It seems that the minidump files have not been uploaded yet. Please go ahead and upload the minidump files so that I can analyze them for you. Once the files are uploaded, I can delve into the contents to identify any potential issues causing the random shutdowns on your computer. This analysis should provide us with more detailed insights into the problem.
It seems that the minidump files have not been uploaded yet. Please go ahead and upload the minidump files so that I can analyze them for you. Once the files are uploaded, I can delve into the contents to identify any potential issues causing the random shutdowns on your computer. This analysis should provide us with more detailed insights into the problem.