Windows 10 Computer is awful right now

hope this works

New Member
Sep 20, 2019
each site says" not responding due to a long running script, also computer is slow, seems so much is going wrong. When I type a e-mail the letters come up later and the cursor is all over the place or it will say for example MSN is not responding. Also I am not computer savvy at all.
Without being able to see the computer it's hard to say for sure, but from experience it typically will be one of the following or combination
  • A cheap computer (underpowered)
  • Malware
  • Too many installed/running applications
  • A failing hard drive
  • Corruption in the operating system

If you don't know much about computers you may be better off asking a tech savvy friend or taking it to a computer repair shop to get it working better and give you advice based on what they find on how to keep it running smoothly.

If you like you can run the following code snippet and upload the Process_Report.txt file it creates on your desktop.

To run the code
  • Click on the Start Menu and type powershell
  • Right click on...
Without being able to see the computer it's hard to say for sure, but from experience it typically will be one of the following or combination
  • A cheap computer (underpowered)
  • Malware
  • Too many installed/running applications
  • A failing hard drive
  • Corruption in the operating system

If you don't know much about computers you may be better off asking a tech savvy friend or taking it to a computer repair shop to get it working better and give you advice based on what they find on how to keep it running smoothly.

If you like you can run the following code snippet and upload the Process_Report.txt file it creates on your desktop.

To run the code
  • Click on the Start Menu and type powershell
  • Right click on "PowerShell.exe" and select "Run As Administrator"
  • Copy the code below and paste it into the PowerShell prompt
  • You can drag the text file into the reply box and post it here
$SavePath = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Desktop\Process_Report.txt"

$RunningProcesses = [System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetProcesses()
$InstalledApplications = Get-Package

Out-File -FilePath $SavePath -InputObject "Process Count: $($RunningProcesses.Count)" -Append -Encoding ascii
Out-File -FilePath $SavePath -InputObject "Installed App Count: $($InstalledApplications.Count)`n`n" -Append -Encoding ascii

foreach ($Process in $RunningProcesses)
    $ProcessHash = $null
        $ProcessHash = Get-FileHash -Path $Process.MainModule.FileName
        $ProcessHash = "Could not determine path"
    Out-File -FilePath $SavePath -InputObject "$($Process.Name) -- $ProcessHash -- $($Process.MainModule.FileName)" -Append -Encoding ascii

$InstalledApplications | select * | % { Out-File -FilePath $SavePath -InputObject $_ -Append -Encoding ascii }