Windows 8 Curious : Only 8/12 updates shown on my View Installed Updates window.

My question was......
Is it possible that when I was using the Aug 10th System Image Backup to restore my system, I had accidentally deleted/removed the Software Distribution\Download folder ?
If so, then when I installed Aug 12th updates, a new folder was re-created containing nothing but the newest updates.

I'm sorry, but I am not really understanding the query. If you restore an image, from any source, then all on the existing OS is, natuurally, removed (deleted) and replaced by the image. That would include ALL folders.

The August Update for Windows 8.1 (once rumored to be Update 2) has been pulled from the web and is currently no longer available for download after Microsoft received complaints that it was causing errors and system instability for some users.

Read more......

It may be available for the diehards, that I don't know. But it is not currently being offered as an update.
At least, that was my experience.

It may be available for the diehards, that I don't know. But it is not currently being offered as an update.
At least, that was my experience.

Jess ! Can they, MS, get their acts together ? Just one time ?

Now I have second thought about getting Win 9.

I have been, for a long time, a supporter of MS through thick and thin. This included, to a great degree, Windows 8. But, of late, I have been disappointed with some of their actions and decisions. This latest has given me a lot of trouble, dealing with the problems of colleagues who had the misfortune to get the early update, and it went wrong! I read that some have had no bad experiences, but it seems that perhaps it was not thoroughly tested on all platforms. But, it has given me some deep thought for future support for MS products.

I can't say that I have had any problems. Everything is running smooth for me. Update 2 is being put out a little at a time or at least that is my understanding. I have put the first update in and never encountered any problem.

Me, too, no problems or issues, @ all. Not even when setting up new computers for my clients. Everything smooth sailing & they, really, like their new Win8 machines. Sorry but, in a good way, sorry :)


Just to clarify. I have had no problems through Windows 8 or 8.1, fresh install or upgrade. I am referring to the recent "august" update. I cannot speak for my own gear, as the update had already been withdrawn when I first looked for it.
Referring to Sonny's post. I see on the many web blogs, that the problem was mainly for those who had manual updates selected. Apparently the Automatic update selection was sent in small kbs and did not cause a problem.

I did the update, KB2975719, on three machines and it worked on all three, but did seem to have some problems with the oldest, an ASUS Z77 motherboard.

I have a pure 8.1 install which has been idle for a few months and is still waiting for updates from May. I will let it update to see if the update mentioned is still available. I do agree with davehc in that there may be specific systems or devices on those systems which are causing the problems.. But since we continue to see folks with problems with just some of the normal updates, the problem may be more widespread that you might think. Only Microsoft knows for sure, and they will never release that information.

Edit: My system has now updated but the update so far has not been offered. I will post back if it shows up. I also notice the update does not seem to be available on the Microsoft Update Catalog site.

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Same person who proposed the "fix" also posted the same 'fix" in another forum and the reply was marked as Answer by the OP.
So, at least one person finds the "fix" useful.
Image 3.webp

Image 2.webp

I've merged all the threads that are specifically to do with this subject.

The updates were released, problems arose so they were withdrawn. If anyone still has them in their system (I won't repeat again which ones they are as this has been covered numerous times in the forum) then uninstall them.
