Windows 10 Does Win10 download+install Updates when Login=Welcome screen is up? Updates in battery mode?


Extraordinary Member
Mar 20, 2010
Assume I boot Win10 but do NOT login.

So currently the Login=Welcome screen is visible.

Does Win10 in this state (auto)search for updates, download and install them?

In other words: Is auto-update Win10 user-independent or a user login required?

Related question: From Android it is known that updates from Google Play Store are only automatically downloaded+installed when the SmartPhone is currently connected with a power cable.

This should avoid interrupted/corrupted App downloads when battery is empty.

Is this the same with Win10?
So when my notebook runs currently on battery no auto-updates are performed?


Well since Windows updates is a service process it can "in theory" update even on the welcome screen. I can't say with certainty if Windows will update while at the welcome screen. You could test this as follows
  • Power on the computer and note the time
  • Wait about 15 minutes and then login
  • Export the WindowsUpdate.log file with the following powershell command Get-WindowsUpdateLog -LogPath "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Desktop\WU.log"
  • This should produce a log on your desktop
  • Inspect the log during that 15 minute period if you have update scan activity then you have your answer

As far as a device on battery only, I'm not aware that Windows update has any restrictions about updating while on battery. Windows Updates are fairly resilient and would likely resume on power up in many cases. There are some cases that could likely result in corruption but the transactional behavior of Windows updates and the journaling feature of the file system should resolve most issues.