
New Member
May 21, 2011

Simple Q before I explain the set-up/problem.

Does HDMI output always overide DVI when activated? I'm looking to get DVI as monitor 1 and HDMI as monitor 2.

My set-up is:

PC with Gigabyte GT 440 (GV-N440TC-1GI) card/GPU using DVI and HDMI outputs.

From GPU DVI goes to BenQ Monitor - I want this as monitor 1 (main). HDMI goes to LCD LG TV, this is the second PC Monitor/TV - I want this always as monitor 2. For watching TV and also as an Extended display so I can watch movies, etc, on this as I work on the main monitor (monitor 1).


1. If I reboot the PC signal to monitor 1 (DVI) is not present and monitor 2 (HDMI) seems to take over as default (if TV is turned off). To correct this I have to unplug the HDMI lead from the GPU and the DVI signal returns which enables me to then boot the PC.

In Windows > Screen Resolution and Nvidia Control Panel HDMI always takes over as Monitor 1, even though the DVI is set as Main. I've tried UltraMon and this allows me to set DVI as 1 and HDMI as 2, but Windows or Nvidia always override this.

So ultimately if I can get the DVI as monitor 1 (main) and HDMI as monitor 2 permanently the problem would be fixed.

Thanks for any input you can give.


When using a dual monitor setup it's best to use 2 monitors of same brand, size and resolutions, this will stop most if not all the problems you are having. Having said that, and seeing that your HDMI monitor has the highest resolution, yes it will by default become the primary monitor. I wish I had some better news for you. This is the inherient problem when adding a(n) HDMI TV to use as a second monitor.
Any info on the BenQ monitor? Do they both run at the same refresh rate? What resolutions are they running?

Hey Saltgrass,

Resy of BenQ (DVI) is 1600 x 900 and the LG (HDMI) is 1928 x 1080.


The specs on the card says it will do Multi-monitor, I cannot find anything about using different display resolutions.

I will continue to look if I can find some utility or patch that needs to be added to get both monitors to work together.

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When using a dual monitor setup it's best to use 2 monitors of same brand, size and resolutions, this will stop most if not all the problems you are having. Having said that, and seeing that your HDMI monitor has the highest resolution, yes it will by default become the primary monitor. I wish I had some better news for you. This is the inherient problem when adding a(n) HDMI TV to use as a second monitor.

Thanks bassfisher6522. I'm happy with that response because it basically reinforces what is happening and what I thought. Its just annoying when the graphics card companies say otherwise so you think there may be a problem somewhere.

All the best

I had exactly this problem yesterday and by changing the monitor to a VGA connection from a DVI sorted it out.

I'm using on board graphics (Asus M4A89GTD PRO) and found the solution in the MB Manual, give it a try it might fix it for you too!!

Good luck.
